
Lord Wiggle

2 posts • 268 comments
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This is the best in depth scientific explanation here, and deserves more upvotes. Thanks, was a nice read!


It’s a different color, I consider it purple, my favorite part of the color spectrum. Purple can be made with both blue and red, but still is a completely different color. How would you consider water? Like liquid oxygen or wet hydrogen? Or just like water?


Technically not possible. It’s easier to build a dyke between Poland and Lithuania and between Estonia and Finland.


I’m sitting at home with PTSD from deployment instead of working, so the opposite would be me working without PTSD. That would be great, where do I sign?


The words ‘Mac’ and ‘free’ aren’t allowed in the same sentence.


He is:

A. Poser

B. Loser

C. Lier

D. Scammer

E. All of the above.

Yes it’s E.


So, hell has education, the best music, strippers, drugs, all the cool people, orgies etc. Heaven has boring ignorant church people who find hetero sexuality more important then the love for their own child. So why would I want to go to heaven instead of hell? Christians aren’t presenting a strong case here. When you’re making shit up, why not create a heaven which is awesome instead? With our Holy Noodle, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, heaven consists of beer volcanoes and strippers. Hell consists of beer volcanoes and strippers too, but the beer is passed its expired date and the strippers have STD’s. This is how you promote your fictional afterlife, like it’s better then the alternative. I’d rather go to a place with hot strippers and cocain instead of a heaven full of unvaccinated babies and child molesters.


Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. For Mars I agree it’s not possible with the insane delay, unless AI will be able to automonously repair, something which might be possible in the future. But for the moon it would be much cheaper to remote control repairs. I’ve seen what surgeons can do with remote controlled machines for precision surgery. The delay still might be annoying but maybe that can improve by using laser instead of radio waves.

Cars are mostly, if not completely, built by precision robots. Why not have a precision robot replace and lubricate parts on the moon?

But first we need to find a way to mine on the moon in the first place. Regolith is extremity nasty stuff, nothing survives long with that tiny sharp dust. The people who went to the moon complained a lot about it. It gets everywhere, it sticks to every surface and shreds everything. There’s also the radiation, micro meteors and extreme temperature fluctuations.


Awesome argument to justify anything. Fuck logic, let’s do it because we can! Genocide? We can do it! Invade a country because Vladi tells us to? WE CAN DO IT!

Seeing the amount of down votes, I guess some Musketeers made it to Lemmy too.

Seriously, give me any supported argument why it would be beneficial to send humans to the moon (and Mars) instead of just robots. (other then “we want to be faster with humans on the moon then the Chinese”, I do get the second space race although it doesn’t make any scientific of economical sense.)

Don’t get me wrong, I see the value of moon mining, mars mining, asteroid mining. I’d rather see us mining those the the fragile ocean floor. It just makes no sense to use humans with the technological expertise we have right now.

We sent humans to the moon, because the computer used on the Apolo rockets was as fast as a Playstation 1. We didn’t have the tech to send a self landing drone.

Now we have several self landing drones on Mars, outlasting their life expectancy way further then anyone could have dreamed of.

We are so far with our technology, yet bringing humans to the moon brings us back to the '60’s while costing us billions more then needed, funds we could use for robots to do an even better job for us with less risks.

Please, come with a supported counter argument, I’d love to see a different side. But anything like “because we can” just isn’t anything I can understand or support.

The argument of “sitting in pods eating from feeding tubes” is a weak argument. We have home delivered groceries and our entire world is being automated so that’s exactly what we are focused on. If you find a way for a factory to replace 10 workers with an automated machine, they’ll tell you “shut up and take my money”.

Again, I see the benefits of mining rare metals and ice (fuel) on the moon and other celestial bodies, just not by humans in person as it complicates everything exponentially, with a fitting price tag.
