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They should do this to replace giving our licence or passport numbers when signing up for things that actually need to verify who we are, like with banks. Would reduce the chance of our data being compromised in a breach.

It should not however be used for anything like social media or porn sites. Random sites do not need to know who we are.


That’s always annoyed me too. Same with holographic computer screens that allow people on the other side to see what you’re doing. Only way it’d work is if there was a way to limit the view to the person using the device.

And holographic keyboards that appear on an otherwise blank desk. They’d better have really strong tactile feedback or not only would you be poking the hard desk all day, you have to stare at the keyboard the entire time.


I have enough trouble getting it to let me tag kids or people who aren’t directly face on. Is it too much to ask for a way to manually select an area of the photo and tag it as a person who hasn’t been recognised as a person?


I’d love to switch at least some of my meat to the vegan versions but I have a problem with the texture of the ones I’ve tried. Think the ones available here remind me of the overly processed chicken nuggets


Bought a 1kg bag of frozen fish a few months ago. First fillet I ate had a few random missed bones in it and after that I just couldn’t bring myself to eat the rest of the packet.


You mean it’s an old pic of half of you?


That setting isn’t working very well on Memmy at the moment. I’ve had it disabled since I got the app and it was working, but suddenly all the nsfw subs are showing up in the feed.


Not officially diagnosed but my dad and niece recently were. When I figured it out a few years ago, I pretty much shrugged it off and ignored it.

I’m paying a bit more attention and slowly learning more now, mostly because my sister has been researching so much. Don’t really feel ready to do a deep dive into analysing everything about me that affected by autism, but I am learning more.

My sister actually said to me that she didn’t realise how hard it must have been for me in school without out any support and pointed out specifically how an issue with my neck and wearing a tie is a sensory issue.

Blew my mind as I’d never considered it, just thought I was being overly dramatic and weird with feeling like I was suffocating. I ended up crying so many times after being told off for not wearing it properly and having the top buttons of my shirt undone. Only thing I got in to trouble for at school.

She’s also made me rethink some other issues I’ve had. Like my gullibility. It’s hard for me to know for certain if someone is messing around or lying and I usually take things more literally than I should. I’m better now than I was as a kid, but still see it if I think back on some conversations. And my penchant for answering personal questions honestly even when the questions were inappropriate and shouldn’t have been asked.

Big one I’ve been considering lately is just how much of my replies at work a basically a script. Most customer conversations repeat in the same basic way, and I repeat the same responses to them all. May be why I get annoyed with overly friendly regular customers. They’re more random in what they say, tell me more personal things and I don’t know how to respond.


As someone who works in a grocery store, most of the people I see stealing are stealing stuff like makeup or drinks and junk food, not necessities. And our regular thieves spend hundreds on cigarettes a week, while still stealing whatever they want because they know they’ll get away with it.


Characters needing to talk “privately” when in a location with others. The solution is always to take a few steps in one direction. They’re still clearly within easy hearing range of anyone who isn’t massively hard of hearing. Yet apparently the other characters in the room all just go temporarily deaf.
