

26 posts • 441 comments
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First you made a post complaining about how expensive game subscriptions are, which you now deleted.

And now you make a post about owning hundreds of games on gaming platforms.

What is it? Are you broke? Or do you just make pointless topics to complain about the way things are? It’s not going to change, your utopian scenario is based on hopes and dreams. But that’s not how the industry, or how the world, works.

Steam developed like this naturally, from being game launcher and library, to a store for their own games, to a store and library for other studios to publish on too. It works, and does its job well. Other companies thought they could do the same, can’t blame them for trying. This is how businesses work, they develop and compete, some make it, some don’t.

Your doomsday nightmare scenarios are based purely on wild assumptions and non-arguments.


And again, like I said, if you can’t afford it then you should rethink your priorities. It’s a luxury product, not a basic needs product.

And like I also said, these game subscriptions have barely changed in price compared to many other things in the past 20 years. They’re not that expensive.

Considering you’re talking about multiple game subscriptions and streaming subscriptions in your post, I don’t think you have it that bad anyway. You’d also require a console or gaming PC or both, a lot of people don’t have all that. Subscriptions are easily the cheapest part of the hobby.

You’re just bad with organising your subscriptions and should change how to get the most out of it.


I feel like subscriptions are just fine though.

If you can’t afford subscriptions like those, then you should probably have other priorities to really worry about.

That said, I play WoW on and off, I never play 24 months in a row or so until the next expansion. I often total at barely half a year or maybe even less depending on the expansion. Like currently I’ve only paid for one month and have bought game time with lots of gold I had, but I barely played during these times.

If someone would play every month every expansion they probably easily got their money’s worth out of it if they’re that invested in the game, and probably spend far less on other games or hobbies. I think subscriptions for MMO games have changed the least of all too, comparing it to like Netflix that changed prices regularly and easily doubled since it became popular. And they’re most definitely not going to reduce subscription fees because other unrelated things got more expensive.

Same principle for streaming services, you probably don’t watch all of them, so why not just limit yourself to one and swap between each? Nobody is forcing anyone to buy every streaming service, they’re luxury and entertainment products, if you can’t afford it then simply don’t buy it. I do think streaming services get out of hand, but they keep doing it because people keep buying it.


You got 15 minutes!

My parents


As a 90s kid I definitely feel like there’s such a huge generational gap in the past 20 years though, so much changed so rapidly since then.

Like watching MP3 players come and go. And the transition of videotapes to discs to streaming. Or watching nobody own a cellphone to the entire world not being able to go anywhere without one. As well as throwaway cameras to everyone having one in their pockets.

Pre 00s and after is such a difference in just about everything. I wonder what the pre 10s and after will be like.


Politics in games isn’t the issue.

It’s the concept of pushing real world politics in games that is the problem.

Sometimes they can overlap, but they needn’t to. Some things are just obviously pushing the agendas of developers, instead of making it feel like a legit part of the game universe.


I think Vegas might seal the deal though, if Brazil (theoretically) hadn’t already.

That is, if the RB is now as good in conditions other than rain.


I recently tried it and only got through the first chapter before giving up, it’s just not fun to me.


Reminds me of Rian Johnson’s supposed trilogy deal, but I don’t think that’ll ever happen though, was kinda curious to see how he’d handle a trilogy on his own.
