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The fun part is… My printers are always recognized by Linux. Never by windows. I need to always download all kinds of stuff for windows.

Same thing for all of the other stuff in my computer. It’s already in my Linux kernel. For windows I have to search for simple things like sound drivers!!!

So I’d say: Linux is easier!


They will claim: “He is always sleepy and slow, and SUDDENLY he is fast and upbeat? He must on some stimulants! We cannot have a President on stimulants!!”


They’ve made Linux gaming a thing. And there where no players there either. So I do not believe that is their actual reason.

The actual reason is that Valve does not want to be beholden or locked to a corporate entity like Apple or Microsoft. They would be very dependent on the whims of those companies.

Linux gives them a platform where they know and can influence it’s future.


I used to have Netflix, HBO Max, Youtube Premium, Disney Plus, Amazon Prime and “Videoland”. But since I used Linux, I could not stream with a higher bitrate. I could not download for offline playback, I had to jump through hoops to get things to play every now and then.

They also did not always have everything I wanted to see, or I had to pay extra for “premium early access” (Disney).

So I was fed up, learned about using multiple usenet backbones, how to send sabnzbd through VPN’s, Radarr, Sonarr and Overseerr. Now I only have Netflix and Youtube Premium for my wife. And Plex for myself. And access to much more content.

And I do not consider it stealing, i consider it to be the natural result of them trying to gouge me while still not providing me.


As a parent of two boys, i feel that much of the annoyance of no-children-having people is due to parents not putting boundaries for children in place.

Children scream because of attention. It means they are not getting it.

Start walking around with the kid to calm it down. Its your job as a parent. You cannot stay seated and act like “what are you gonna do? They are children ! They scream!”

No. You are a bad parent for letting them just scream.

Having said that, babies sometimes just scream without reason. Perhaps, and I mean this, if you have a baby that is prone to doing this, do not travel in confined spaces, or dine at restaurants until that phase of screaming is over.


At the moment, I’m ashamed, sad, and gloomy about the future. Its a proven fact that Putin is in control of this party. Which is why this party wants to stop sending f16’s to Ukraine.

This is bad. Very very bad.


It’s weirder then that: The reason is: “It’s god’s plan that you became pregnant, and if you do not survive, that’s god’s plan too. We just need to trust the plan”.

It’s one of the reasons why I strongly believe religion is the source of all things evil.


Perhaps, and this is very cynical of me, they are thinking, how can we make folks feel bad against the writers and actors?

  1. price hike and people pay for it: They blame the writers and actors for the price hike.
  2. price hike and people do not pay for it and leave, Netflix and people can blame the writers and actors as well. ("see!!! those demands are just not accepted by people!!! ")

It’s the only reason for the price hike I think.


They where using words like “purchasing”, and asking just as much for the digital files as for the DVD’s. If they where even available.

So it makes sense people where seeing it as “owning”. And then looking puzzled when Sony decided to break into their own devices and delete files…

I have family that FINALLY see that DRM is a thing in their lives, and they DO NOT like it.


I pre-ordered already.

Ok, so honesty time: The fact that this company is good for the environment, pays people well, etc… is NOT my main “thing” for wanting to own this phone.

It’s the fact that it is open. I can unlock and flash whatever I want, I can fix things by ordering replacement parts, a new screen is TOTALLY do-able both price wise and doing it myself.

Also it does not come with bloat, or vendor-lock in software like on ALL samsung shitty phones.

Out of all the phones, this one makes the most sense.

(And my current FP4 goes to my mother, perfect for her and many more years of support)
