Embrace the rot in my ass
I mean I talk about it every now and then, my kid was being shown those videos when they were young. I keep YouTube off any TV’s or the kids tablets because YouTube was so irresponsible. For all Disney’s and Netflix’s faults I’d much rather the kids watch something that’s been at least better curated than whatever the hell YouTube kids is.
Unfortunately the law would’ve never applied to fox news, as it was broadcast only and cable was exempt. But even so nowadays so much of the information sphere is online, through Facebook, Twitter and the thousand different right wing blog news sites that you aren’t really going to be able to stop anything. The American system very dependent on the two parties having a bipartisan consensus. But after a few decades of the right wing media sphere whipping the base into frenzy after frenzy the ‘true believers’ are the ones in government now and the idea of compromise is done for.
So I took some time to look around and as far as my perspective as a non dev regular user. While this does seem like a useful tool that could be useful for someone who interacts with the command line on a infrequent basis, the drawbacks on it seem pretty big.
- Everywhere on their website seems clear that they don’t store your data, but I have trouble believing that? Why on earth they would need for you to create a account that you must log in to use the terminal if they don’t have a need to monitor your data?
- While they claim that they are intending to monetize this by charging enterprise users and letting small teams use it for free, they limit free requests to 20 per dday which seems less than useless.
- Maybe this is just some confusion since I don’t have any experience as an enterprise but it seems like it would be an unacceptable security risk having a program that it telling you that it sends telemetry back home that users are interacting with using sudo and elevated privileges. Especially when it is a closed box.
Ignoring all the reasons to be cautious and skeptical about AI in general I struggle to see the use case for this particular tool.
You haven’t lost your sense of smell have you?