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Everybody is tired of these dinosaurs. I don’t know anybody conservative or liberal who’s thrilled about either candidate.

As far as this election goes, my thought process goes like this.

Biden: Oh my God, NO! He’s terrible!

Trump: Oh my God, NO! He’s terrible! x100

Therefore I’ll be voting for Biden.


Being an introvert does not mean being socially inept, it just means that you prefer certain types of stimulations. You can be introverted and socially capable at the same time.


Even though I disagree with Bernie on a lot, he is a class act. This is absolutely the correct response. It shows that he has moral integrity and stands by his principles


Serious question, why would anybody do this? These are the requirements of an actual job but without any of the pay. If someone is putting in this much effort, they might as well just apply for a real job and get paid for it.

I understand that you guys want to screen people first, but lmao are you guys going overboard. The people who view this as hobby aren’t going to put themselves through such unnecessary and worthless hassle, and the people who want a job won’t apply because there’s no money involved. The only people who would qualify and want to do something like this are people who literally have no life. These are people who have no family, jobs, or a social life.


China is collapsing before our very eyes, and it’s already too late to turn things around. There’s literally nothing that the CCP can do to get themselves out of this hole. The demographics are cooked, the economics are cooked, the public infrastructure is cooked, the foreign policy is cooked, the domestic politics are cooked, their environments are cooked, and the list goes on and on. China is one big clusterfuck right now and we should watch everything as it unfolds and take notes on it. China’s downfall is going to be the biggest and most devastating self inflected collapse in history.

We should also do the same with Russia because they’re also collapsing as we speak and it might be the end of Russia as a multiethnic empire for good. We’re living in interesting times people


This is a pretty misleading article. They cite the BBC “investigation” as a source, but if you go to the BBC article you’ll quickly see it’s not an investigation or anything near that. It’s just a reporting of the anecdotes of 3 individuals who happen to be Palestinians living abroad. You can’t establish any type of conclusions on a sample size that small.

This isn’t a study, it’s not a survey, it’s not a poll, it doesn’t prove that Microsoft is intentionally making these bans, it doesn’t track down the actual reasons for the bans, or anything really. The BBC article is fine for what it is, just a reporting of a mildly interesting event, but this windoscentral article is just bad bait.


Hillary is pretty divisive herself, and there was bound to be another Trump like candidate in the next election who would makes waves. Trump is a symptom, not the source


Can I just say FUCK The Democratic Socialists of America, those scumbags can eat a bag of dicks.

Just look at their stances, views, and activities:

  • They blame the US for the Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • They want the US to pressure Ukraine to surrender to Russia under the guise “negotiations”
  • They want the US to leave NATO
  • They support the Venezuelan dictator, Maduro, so much that they literally sent a fucking delegation there to meet him
  • They organized a tone deaf pro-Palestinian rally on Oct 8th right after the attacks when the world was still in shock
  • They outright want the destruction of Israel. Not a two state solution, not coexistence, but the eradication of Israel
  • They quite literally want open borders
  • The organization is full of full blown vile Marxists who to “abolish capitalism” and establish socialism
  • They condemn social democracy
  • In 2016 they refused to endorse Hillary and spearheaded the movements that called for people to boycott voting Democrat, which led to Trump winning
  • In 2020 they refused to endorse Biden and spearheaded the movements that called for people to boycott voting Democrat, which helped Trump make the election closer than it should’ve been
  • In 2024 they’re doing the same exact thing by refusing to endorse Biden again

They have ALWAYS simped for all the dictators and authoritarian regimes. They have always had the most brain dead stances on foreign policy issues. They subscribe to a colossal failure of an ideology, and their interests are not with the US succeeding. They are nothing more than assets of our foreign adversaries.

The organization and movement at large is nothing more than the far left and the most whacko of Bernie Supporters that even he is uncomfortable with. I’m glad AOC went from being a fringe extremist politician to becoming more pragmatic and moderate. She has been winning me over more and more lately, and this just proves that she’s moving in the right direction. Once again, the DSA can get fucked.


Let me put things in German terms for you, this is like Alice Weidel and Olaf Scholz running against each other in a close election for Chancellor, where Weidal is the batshit crazy candidate that spews conspiracy theories and Scholz is the sane guy that nobody likes but is better than the alternative. While Weidal is doing a rally for her campaign, some neo nazi, perhaps even further right than she is, attempts to assassinate her for whatever reason. Despite Scholz having nothing to do with the incident, Weidal and the entire Afd crowd start blaming him for it because of the conspiracy theories that she, her party, and her supporters spew and believe. That’s how you get our current situation.
