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I’m fully aware of the few buzzword and marketing pitches that cloud hosting uses. I’m forced to use both GCP and AWS for different contracts and I’m good at it.

The real truth is that most websites and internet services do not need scale. They do not need all this crap. A Pentium 3 could host all the data for most of these businesses and services. You don’t need serverless lambda functions to handle an api when an actual endpoint does the same thing to pull some info. The few companies that need such distributed computing and power, will need a big on-site or off-site implementation. It makes sense for that sometimes. But most times, it doesn’t even then. You’re just outsourcing your engineering and paying a premium.

I have seen so many startups spin up cloud accounts costing thousands of dollars a month when they’re in “private beta stealth”. Literally a $500 laptop could host all of their services just as quickly with no monthly fee. But as long as the VCs are paying, just flush that cash down.


Anything that requires a fancy buzzword is usually stupid but a good way to make money for someone. The “cloud” has always existed as offsite hosting. Off-site shared servers, VPSs, whatever. It’s no different than running CPanel on an LAMP VPS in 2003.

But calling it “the cloud” gave all the business majors a hard on and then the accounts department realized they could manipulate share pricing by reducing the amount of assets a company holds. It’s the same stupid reason many companies don’t own their corporate headquarters or remote centers. They lease the, even if from themselves through another holding. It looks better on paper so the share price goes up. It’s all mind boggling stupid.


It’s a Google updates issue since they’re blocked. Apple isn’t but they comply with the Chinese government just as much as they do in the US as does Google. Remember Google is banned because it would not comply with China. How quickly the Americans forget.

Most likely the corporate spyware that Microsoft enables, requires very recent Google services and Apple services to operate. It’s pretty standard in the corporate spyware world. Usually just a few months out of date at most.


I don’t buy anything on ticketmaster. I won’t install their app.

I still see people I want to see. I just may have to travel to do so.


It’s not an argument when the Americans are too entrenched in propaganda to even think rationally.

Much easier for the smooth brains that China bad, Murica good. Freeeeeedumb. Eagle screech.


I think it’s apparent Trump will win to anyone who’s honest unless something big happens.

Biden only loses support. Trump only gains support.

Its not a question about what should happen, we have to live in a reality of what will happen.


His line of where he would be at peace if he lost to Donald Trump “as long as I gave it my all” is the most concerning to me.

That shows a complete lack of awareness of the stakes of the election. If he causes the Democrats to lose, they might go after him themselves in anger at this point. Trump wouldn’t have to send him to the gulag.


Anecdotally, yes. I know that the similarities in profile and avatar photos as well as signature lines on web forums have been used as evidence to link digital profiles together. This linkage then allows warrant level evidence to be used to subpoena the other sites for all user details. Another one that is much harder to hide is writing style. People have a relatively unique way of writing that is often enough to link data. Even when the user name, ip addresses, and everything else is different.


Treason is punishable by death in the USA too. 👍

It is relevant for the intended audience of the article as the way it is written purposefully makes it seem as if this is a new and unacceptable form of punishment for the crime in the West’s eyes.

Both are bad and wrong.
