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Whole thing is a scam. Not because of Trump, but because the legal system is a scam in the US. He’s sitting trial for things that happened in the run up to the 2016 election. 8 years of zero consequences.

Assuming he loses, he will appeal. Assuming he loses, he will appeal. Everyone knows that if there was ever an appeal case for supreme court consideration, something involving a former president is a pretty good case. That’s going to be 3 years to a court he’s stacked.

If he’s still alive in 2028 he’ll still be free, 12 years of no consequence other than sitting in a chair sometimes. And that’s it.


This is the sort of weird back in the day post that doesn’t make sense. Boomers not understanding house prices and minimum wage, that is true.

This plane ticket stuff is wrong. For about the same cost as a ticket back in the day you get way more. In 1955, a one way transatlantic flight was roughly £5k. That’s $6.3k freedom dollars, one way. You can today buy a ticket on that type of route for half that price that includes a lie flat bed, amenities and pyjamas, 2 hot meals, unlimited snacks, unlimited drinks, lounge access on departure and arrival, priority check-in, boarding an ungodly amount of luggage, etc. And in the lounges you get free food cooked to order, free unlimited drinks, free second tier food like buffets, etc.

If you want to spend the equivalent money or a bit more, you could fly even better. You can have a private chef onboard making a meal for you anytime you want. You can take a shower in the sky. You can have a literal bedroom and attached private living room in a mini suite just for you. And that’s flying commercial.

The other side of it is that now people can also buy a ticket for $25. Which would be completely unfathomable back when civil rights weren’t a thing.


That’s correct, you do not. Like ALL “rights” in the USA, there is another law waiting in the shadows that completely contradicts it or makes it so that it’s not possible without it being illegal.

You can protest. But only with permits on public and private land, without trespassing, obeying all police orders even if those are themselves illegal, blah blah blah.

The sooner Americans realize all their freedoms do not exist in reality the sooner something can be done to fix it.



But something tells me they will at most get a recognition award printed from MSWord and a pizza party day at their local office.


The bridge is basically valueless compared to everything else about the ship and cargo plus the lawsuits from various contract breaches and other damages. Port shutdowns, environmental cleanup, insurance losses. $100m is a rounding error.


Headlines like this should be illegal.

Apple is forced by the EU to stop being a dick and open up their ecosystem. Apple is also purposefully making the experience so terrible that nobody will dare use it.

I hope the EU sues and bankrupts them.


This was in the news at the time. Nobody seemed to care. Additionally 2 full time staffers were hired to tape back the papers for the archives at a cost of a few hundred thousand per year. Again, nobody cared.


This is an incredibly important question to understand if you’re American or are ever in the jurisdiction of America. America is not the land of the free or equality or civil rights. Almost everybody commits a handful of crimes every day. Sometimes bigger crimes. Sometimes felony huge crimes. I’m talking ordinary people like your grandma. You know like your grandma, not actual “criminals”.

For example when Grandma drives 45mph on the highway, that’s a misdemeanor in many places for going too slowly. Then when she fills up her big gulp and takes a few sips then tops it off, that’s criminal theft. When she sees a letter addressed to you delivered to her and opens it so she can tell you what it is, that’s a felony criminal offense with a 6 month federal prison sentence attached.

Now the police are just snitches. If they see you do something they can ticket and/or arrest you. If you’re not doing something wrong, but don’t agree to be arrested, congratulations now you’ve actually committed another crime!

But the end of all of this is the district attorney, the DA. The DA (the office with lots of staff and a main big head honcho) is tasked with looking at these charges, deeming what is really a crime they care about, and bringing forth charges. Of the DA got a report on your grandma committing a felony mail fraud by opening your mail, you’d hope in a sane world they’d laugh it off and ignore it. The problem is this relies on one person or a small group of people making the “right” decision which ironically is illegal itself, and choosing what charges to bring against who.

When things are high profile, they bring all charges because they have to. Not bringing charges is against the law itself, but again is handwaved higher up because that’s the stupid system. Then it’s up to the actual judicial system to decide the criminality and the punishment, then enforce. The import take away at this point is that in the USA, you can literally be charged and arrested at anytime for anything. That is not hyperbole. If you want an example on the other side of the spectrum, look at the lawyers talking about Trumps crap. Everyone knows he’s guilty but getting a jury conviction, somewhat unlikely considering you need 12/12 in agreement. So the pundits correctly say, if we know he’s guilty they can charge him with these other random crimes and get him. If he’s in jail, who cares what for. This is done ALL THE TIME. Most famous high profile case being Al Capone. Everyone knows he was a mobster and killed people. But they couldn’t make it stick. So what do they do? Charge him with tax evasion crimes and give him the maximum penalties for everything. If they want to get you, they can get you.

So back to Hunter. Nothing has changed as the alleged crimes. Everyone is in agreement he did it. His crimes are nothingburgers. Lying on the gun app is something most rednecks do all the time, it’s a formality paper. And funny enough, they’re happy with him losing his gun rights for drug use, the second amendment doesn’t apply to him I guess. That lie on the application is the first crime. He’s guilty. It is usually a slap on the wrist, no time, no fine. But it CAN be prison time. So for him, it is.

The other things are tax issues. He misreported and misfiled taxes for many years. Daddy paid the back taxes, he paid Daddy back. In most cases the IRS is happy with that, sometimes they assess a big fine. Everyone goes on their way. But the IRS charges can impose federal prison. And for him it is.

I understand it’s a large wall of text. I understand it goes against most of what Americans believe. And most will never experience it. But it is there. And you need to know it.


At this rate my owned outright copy of Adobe that requires no internet access, with hacks, will become a generational heirloom I can pass down to descendants with immersurable value.
