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Just start the backup and wait 3 months. That’s not that bad. Are you losing access to the data soon? If not, just let your auto sync take care of it piece by piece.

I had an emergency situation where I needed to move the data and upload was 25mbps. Stupid cable companies not understanding why people need symmetry. It would take approximately a year of continuous upload and I didn’t have that. So I use 4 Starlinks, aggregated them to the cloud server with a VPN and now I had 225Mbps to 425Mbps upload. It took about 3 weeks but all the data was moved.


In my family member’s district, that’s not even a consideration. And weirdly many in the district have a shared overall employer and work starts at 5am to 7am for many of them. Leaving the other parent to drop off or making kids ride the bus solo.

The only thing dictating the schedule is sports. You get some parents that complain about everything. Meaning a fraction of a percent will complain about school starting too early, too late, on days it’s too windy, on days the sun is too bright, whatever. Parents are super awful nowadays. But all that is noise. The only complaint en mass they get that isn’t political/vaccine/FoxNews is sports related. Game started too late/early, not enough fields for all the kids to practice. The million dollar astroturf is bent the wrong way now, and needs maintenance IMMEDIATELY.

There was a high school building that got severely flood damaged in a hail storm. Parts of it are still boarded up and not fixed. But the $30m+ stadium they don’t need is almost finished.


It was a legitimately awful movie. If you asked chatgpt to make you a superhero movie for teen girls and the plot didn’t matter, this is what it would be. I’m hoping that’s the audience they’re trying to pull into the giant universe, because everyone else is going to be left underwhelmed.


Ceramics also can’t get super hot and the coating will break down with repeated high heat. Your Teflon pans will outgas and poison you and high temperatures, so it’s not only bad for the pan but just a bad idea overall to use them high heat. If that’s your typical cooking scenario, then switch to ceramic.

If you’re doing lots of high heat and transfer between oven and range, you can’t really beat solid metal or a cast iron.

Almost all the ceramic coated dishes you buy in the lower price range are the same. Blasting ceramic powder via plasma onto metal. As long as the application was done properly, which it probably is unless you’re buying factory rejects, it’ll last the same and act the same. They also get very heavy which may be a concern as you try to strain gallons of pasta water out.

I like them, but they aren’t for everyone.


My family has gift bags and bows older than me… Some from the 1960’s, some from the 1980’s, and pretty much tops out at the 90’s. We never buy bags anymore, just add to the collection when gifted something. Seems silly to buy something for 5 seconds of use one time. Everyone knows to save them and brings them back after holidays and such to store in one house usually.


PS3 console has to be in the top. New enough that it brought out lots of diverse people. Perfect holiday timing as everyone wanted one and wanted to scalp them. Coupled with general violence it was a wild time.

I got mine camping outside for a couple days. Had to be police escorted to our vehicles. A few minutes prior at a location 15mins away, somebody was shot in the parking lot and robbed for their PS3. That was a typical American experience there…


I would have agreed with reddit before but the moderators are killing it the other way. Too much power, zero oversight, and quick to delete or even ban without having knowledge of what they’re supposed to be moderating.

It’s one of the reasons I’m here now, hoping for less of that. And I don’t mean “the vaccines are making my 5G reception weak” type of posts. I mean factual information just getting removed of it doesn’t align with the random moderator of the day when someone inevitably reports it. So much information there is scrubbed that’s accurate and what remains is just an echo chamber of outdated or false information. I don’t know how anyone can solve it other than relinquish control to our robot content moderator overlords.


All school schedules historically are because of farmers and blue collar worker schedules.

Now that we’ve outlawed child labour (well, it’s coming back…) and your family’s survival doesn’t count on getting those crops picked, we now have freedom to choose school hours at any time. Those countries without such strong sports have had few issues moving it to later start. It’s the sporty ones that resist.

The poorer countries that still have mostly basic labour students and/or child labour are still on an early schedule for the same reason the more developed nations started out that way.

I’d say the only outlier is China. They start early and go loooooong. That’s for bashing in some of the best education at the expense of most other things. There’s probably a happy middle ground in there somewhere.


Not just unaffordable, just not available.

That house where I needed to transfer data was in a neighbourhood only had copper phone lines from the 1960’s for DSL and then coax cable. The maximum possible was 400Mbps down and 25Mbps up. Over the years it was increased to 800Mbps down, still 25Mbps down. I paid over $1000 USD a month for that shit internet. Because the only alternative was 4Mbps to 8Mbps upload.

This is a major metro area, 700k people. Starlink was a game changer. Not symmetric, but waaaay better.

There’s only so much bandwidth on the cable line and they’ve spent ages marketing download speeds as the measure. If they go from 400/25 to 400/50, 99.9999% of people wouldn’t understand and wouldn’t pay extra. But make it 425/25 and people will buy. Bigger number more better.
