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The Washington ones are funny because they’re all named after George Washington because “he traveled near that location” but half of them are like “nah he really didn’t do that”


As an American I can say that the overwhelming majority of people don’t have an interest in this specific event. Yes, there are those that support one side or the other. Yes there are some protests. But most people simply don’t care.

What most people want is for the US to stay out of the Middle East. It feels like we just left. It was one of the first things to happen during the Biden administration. It’s been less than 4 years. Now we’re sending troops back over. Sure, it’s just medical support, for now. But it just feels like we’re getting back into the war we just left.

It’s not the same war. It’s an entirely different war on every aspect. But with our coverage and everything it feels like it’s a continuation of the same conflict. Americans don’t want involved. And with ties to Israel the easiest way to keep out of it is to broker peace between both countries.

Unfortunately Americans rarely get what they want


My city privatized our water and is celebrating “being out of debt” meanwhile taxes are still rising and my water bill was $350 last month. My sewage another $120 through the same company. Not to mention I had to put $9k into “updating” my swear line to be compatible with the new company. And for every month I hadn’t updated I had to pay a $95 fee. I literally paid almost $600 a month a one point for fucking water. Homelessness is going up and people are ditching houses around here cause they can’t afford to live in a shithole but hey the city’s out of debt I guess?

Oh and I missed my payment my 2 days and got shut off last week so I’m expecting a high bill again in “restart” fees even though they didn’t have to send anyone out here for it.

Fuck privatized water


Tbh I think Futurama is perfect for streaming. It’s a fantastic show that I could easily binge but I’m just not feeling the waiting each week for an episode. Some shows I will wait for the episode and will plan for time to watch the premiere. But Futurama, I keep forgetting about. I’m enjoying the episodes and think it’s a great season, but I’m forgetting about it shortly after. I would gladly binge 10 episodes once or twice a year though and be happy with that.


Is this legit? That isn’t just ironic, but that last line is racists as hell. I mean, I’m fairly certain he’s racist if this is real or not but that last part was just so explicit in it


I’ve seen this kind of cheesy thing as party favors for company Christmas parties. It’s a thing, but it’s almost never the ONLY thing. It’s more likely someone in management saw it on Pinterest and had to incorporate somehow to seem like the fun boss. The. Did some other lousy stuff to make it not seem so bad.


It would be so ironic if the plane crash was entirely an accident and not planned in any way, but no one believes it because of Putins history. And if they kill him for something he wasn’t actually involved in because of his past crimes ruining his credibility it would be oh-so-sweet


Hertz shouldn’t have gone with Tesla for EV’s. People not driving EV’s and are renting want something as similar to their current car as possible. Both my leaf, and my current Kia Niro operate mostly like an ICE. The torque is different. The acceleration is different. But the biggest difference is the shifter and that is still simple enough that you could figure it out in about 30 seconds. Other than that it’s a normal car. Anyone can get in and drive it. They don’t need to worry about figuring out the touch screen crap or how to turn on windshield wipers like a lot of people need to figure out with Teslas. Tesla’s used to be the pinnacle of EV’s but now they’re cheaply made, over teched out garbage.


I call bullshit. He sold them fucking internet as a fucking contract with the damn Pentagon. What else would they be used for. If you wanted to use that excuse then you should’ve never made the contract. This was planned from the start. He sold the contract to have greater control over their military operations. This is just the first of a long line of items to come

