
Wendy_Pleakley [he/him, they/them]

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I honestly got fed up and stopped reaching out because I felt like I was putting in all the effort. It was starting to affect my mental health. My perception in school was that everyone seemed to just have one or two people that they were always texting, or some sort of group. My ex had someone they always texted. My best friend had someone they always texted. My siblings both have people to just talk to. So many people have their “we do everything together” or " we tell each other everything" groups/people.

It’s like, damn. That’s gotta be a good feeling. Me, I have to ask you about the weather once a month until you hopefully notice that I get nervous while making sandwiches, and think that’s endearing, or whatever.

Edit: You reach zero friends and it’s game over. They don’t tell you this, or anything explicitly


See, it makes complete sense to me to invest emotionally. It’s actually more confusing to me that being eager and invested can be off-putting. If someone were passionate towards me, I would feel compelled to respond. Idk.

I don’t know if My People in school realized that they were My People, and maybe found it weird that I was texting frequently. I thought I was laying groundwork for a back-and-forth dialogue but I may have just been annoying them.

It’s like people don’t realize that they’re lifelong friends or that they do things like wine tours or hikes in the exact same groups. They don’t realize that they have these impenetrable friend groups with lore and history. And I’m like, please can I have that


Every decision I make feels extrajudicial, like I’ve violated some internal process by not remaining undecided

relating to others, subsequent confusion

I don’t know how to find a middle ground between depending on others and being hyper-independent. I don’t think I know what the normal amount of “there for you” is to have or to be.

I romanticize the concept of a check-in, someone seeing you not doing well and sorta asking about it. I’m scared to check in on people though, I find that people think I’m just surprising them over and over by reaching out more than once.

Probably overthinking. Or is everyone else underthinking? 🧐


my fascination with the primary colors, and pretty much any logo or pattern or anything that uses them, continues
