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id start a nuclear war for a dorito

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6? Thats it? My grandmother literally wakes up at 430am sits in front of the tv until 10pm goes to sleep and repeats.


Teams is horrible and i love it. ive managed to do so much less work because teams wont work. People dont even question it if i say oh teams never notified me of that im so sorry! When i was really just taking a nap.


What ive found works is just to point out that the chinese govt actually does shit to improve the lives of their citizens while the US govt doesnt.


I want to preface what im about to say by saying i do wear a mask, and think everyone should.

I think that the focus on masking was a misdirect similar to how the powerful will push personal responsibility about the climate to combat systemic issues. While yes masking is effective and important it means we are relying on the lowest common denominator of dumbasses to do the right thing. Which never works out well.

I think that a much better solution would be to have buildings like stores where large crowds gather indoors with air filtration systems, and UV overhead sanitation lighting. Especially at entrances and exits. Its been proven such measures make a big difference. You could easily incorporate UV lighting into normal light fixtures and effectively sanitize every surface in a building constantly. Air filtration is already in most buildings AC systems and could be retrofitted to filter for viral bodies. Most people would not even notice these things happening. People should still be encouraged to mask especially when they are sick, but solutions that do not rely on an individual doing the proper thing are much more reliable.

The reason they don’t get pushed is that they cost money, and companies and governments do not want to do them. But when Biden was going to campaign events they brought portable air filters to keep the air in the buildings he was in clean so they are clearly aware of these solutions.

Also in this same vein vaccines during the height of covid were made free for those without insurance but i do not think that is the case anymore. Vaccination combined with those other solutions even without proper masking would massively reduce spread, and the fact it hasnt been done is simply a systemic issue.


Well youve also got to take into account how many people live with room mates, or family and would end up homeless if they couldnt do so. Its common in larger cities to have 5+ roommates sometimes. Nothing wrong with living with others but if someone cant afford the smallest cheapest studio apartment in their area by themself thats housing insecure imo.


You can tell how annoyed he is. Hes like i cant deal with this bs im just gonna walk away. Probably cant wait to go home to China and get away from these liberal morons lol.


I feel like shes gonna lose michigan just like hillary did. By ignoring it. Will be funny if the same people make the same mistake again lol.
