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Good ones still last a long time. What fails is generally not the LED itself but the cheap-ass rectifier in a cheap-ass case that is optimised for production price instead of heat dissipation. The fixture can also be an issue as nobody designed for heat dissipation in the days of incandescent bulbs, you might be baking those poor capacitors.

And those kinds of bulbs will stay available because there’s plenty of commercial users doing their due diligence on life-time costs. Washing machines, fridges? Yes, those too, though commercial ones aren’t necessarily cheap. Want a solid pair of pants? Ask a construction crew what they’re wearing.

57 points

“Genital mutilation doesn’t matter because men can’t be victims” is what I read there. Get the fuck out of here with that sexist bullshit.


The problem isn’t GMO, the problem is the type of changes big agritech is making.

Take, e.g. Clearfield Rapeseed: It’s a herbicide-resistant strain, non-GMO, bred by BASF, and resistant against Clearfield, another BASF product. Thing is: Rapeseed is a brassicaceae, and they really like to exchange genes cross-species. There’s tons of wild plants (“weeds”) that are brassicaceae, in fact if you don’t happen to be growing it rapeseed itself is a rather nasty weed. Which means that once that resistance is out there that stuff can’t be killed by stuff that doesn’t kill literally everything. Brassicaecae seeds can also stay dormant in the soil for years, making it even more nasty.

My state’s agricultural ministry got wind of the stuff, quickly decided “that’s insane we need to outlaw it”, then quickly hit their head against the EU legislation which doesn’t distinguish by impact on nature or environment or economy, but by GMO status. Instead they then flooded farmers with brochures telling them just in how much shit they would be should that stuff escape from their fields and other farmers demand compensation for loss of income etc.

The thing is: That stuff doesn’t even make sense for BASF. “Sell resistant strain and a herbicide along with it” makes a lot of sense for chemical companies (and all big agritech are chemical companies), “spread that resistance throughout the whole environment” doesn’t because who’s going to buy their herbicide when it becomes ineffective. They really dropped the ball on that one, failed ecology 101.

Speaking of “we’ve got a hammer, where are the nails”: Golden rice. The problem isn’t that rice doesn’t contain carotene, the problem is that there’s people so piss-poor they can’t afford half a carrot, onion, some garlic, and a spoon of beans with their bowl of rice. If you want a solution that is the problem to fix.

This is the kind of stuff actually modern agritech comes up with, problem being: It’s not a thing you can earn money with as a company as there’s no products to sell, definitely none you have a monopoly on, so those companies have literally zero incentive to research that kind of thing. Farmers don’t have the funds (even in the west, they’re getting squeezed by supermarkets and Nestle etc), but you know what, states already have universities. Give them a couple of fields to mess around with and you’ll be surprised by what they come up with.


Somehow I have the feeling that this is not going to convince people who think that 0.9999… /= 1, but only make them madder.

Personally I like to point to the difference, or rather non-difference, between 0.333… and ⅓, then ask them what multiplying each by 3 is.

80 points

There’s generally rules of the “have to be on HRT for X months” kind which is perfectly sensible: Your body doesn’t change the second you come out, or decide to swallow pills.

Then, all the data we have says that middling athletes stay middling after transitioning, bad ones stay bad and great ones stay great, that’s enough for fairness given that we don’t disqualify Michael Phelps for being half fish. All those genetic advantages he has would carry over if he were to transition and he’d dominate the female league not because he transitioned but because he’s a genetic freak.

If you think that people transition just to have an advantage I don’t know what to tell you either. I’ll believe it when I see Matt Walsh do it, on camera, under doctor’s supervision. If that clown with all his hatred can’t do it with ideological fuel then noone can.

81 points

Unless you are advocating for a Communist regime along the lines of the Soviet Union or Maoist China, you aren’t really “far left”.

If you do that you definitely aren’t, authoritarianism and far-left are mutually exclusive.

Council communists and Anarchists generally qualify for far-left status. (Or, differently put, council communism is methadone therapy for Marxists who don’t yet dare make the jump to syndicalism).


For the curious, this is about as easy as it gets for proper type inference. You could leave out the one or other thing (most prominently, polymorphism), but that kind of stuff would hardly qualify as even a toy example.

I won’t claim that J. Random Hacker will have issues understanding it – it’s a neatly tied bundle of necessary complexity without any distracting parts (like efficiency), if you sit down with the thing (ideally starting the whole series from the beginning) you’ll be able to grok it (and have learned a lot). However, understanding HM isn’t the same as being able to extend it, which includes proving soundness of the system, that kind of stuff is a specialised field within a specialised field within academia with more open questions than answered ones. The reason Rust doesn’t have HKTs? Because their interaction with lifetimes is insufficiently understood. Those kinds of questions can easily start 20+ years of research only to be answered with “yep that’s inherently unsound/uncomputable/whatever”.

Oh, EDIT, forgot: AI-enabled typing is obviously a completely braindead idea. I don’t need a second lazy, impatient, hubristic idiot looking at my code, I need something to catch mistakes. Something deterministic, rule-based, pure unerring logic. Which is exactly what type systems are and do.


No worries, it has been towed outside of the environment.


The cost for one night of defence seen as significantly higher than the price Iran paid to mount its attack

That looks like it’s exactly the point. Israel hitting the Iranian embassy wasn’t extreme enough for Iran to seriously escalate, yet you can’t just leave such a thing unanswered or they’ll do it again and again, you also don’t want to draw (additional) ire to yourself, meaning you don’t want to have any casualties, at least not indiscriminate ones, at the most you want to give people a scare. So you shoot a couple of volleys you know Israel can intercept, maximising not for anything getting through but interception costing them a pretty penny. Now, the next time the IDF considers such a strike some politician somewhere is going to say “we don’t have a billion dollars to spare right now for that BS, cut it out”.
