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Just clicked on a Futurama related post on front page, it opened wtih this MLB Game Thread as content instead of what I clicked on. **This is happened more than once. Previously I thought I derp clicked on the wrong item **


Manslaughter is likely the only charge they can effectively prove unless discovery turns up legally admissible evidence of premeditation that would be needed for murder charges. Being a crazy racist bitch in an of itself doesn’t necessarily equate to premeditation of murder, even if a fuck like the lady in this story seems to deserve such a charge.

For a good example of when manslaughter would be a more effective charge to pursue because its more likely to have actual punishment involved, look back at the George Zimmerman killing of Trayvon Martin case. Prosecutors fucked up by trying him for full on murder rather than a form of negligent manslaughter, which I continue to maintain that it was fully INTENTIONALLY done to throw the case by the States Attorneys office, maybe as a political strategy favor to Zimmerman’s father, a former judge. At the time I spoke with some attorneys in my family with criminal court experience, it appeared manslaughter rather than murder was far more easily demonstrable when evidence showed Zimmerman ignored the instruction of the 911 operator to not follow him:

Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he’s heading towards? Zimmerman: The back entrance… Fucking punks. These assholes, they always get away… Dispatcher: Are you following him? Zimmerman: Yeah. Dispatcher: Okay, we don’t need you to do that. Zimmerman: Okay.

A guilty verdict on murder requires intent and premeditation, and situationally a scenario can many times mask both intent and premeditation but it can’t really mask demonstrable negligence that leads to a killing.

The only effective justice to be found in this case may be a manslaughter charge with the jail time and penalties it brings. A murder charge more than likely ends in a not guilty plea, since any reasonable doubt towards the intent and premeditation means a not guilty verdict.


It feels like the early days of Reddit right now, chill and civil.

I hope that this system can evolve more effectively without a single point of corporate/capital investment control that gets wielded strictly for monetization purposes.


They ideally shouldn’t know anything about the student other than their academic achievements. You could maybe argue for certain scholarships based on household income but everything else just perpetuates division. Most things that people attribute to race can be much better attributed to poverty anyways.

Interesting take that seems reasonable, but with even a small amount of reflection one can realize, like most things, it is never simple.

I’ll even argue that the idea that affirmative action perpetuates division is purely political propaganda, that it is a lie that is a projection of the lie itself causing that very perpetuation of division, with the intention to mask the reality that discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, and even religion does still affect almost every aspect of our society.

How do you account for income disparities that are rooted in the very historical systemic racism that is consistently reflecting itself across the entire spectrum of modern (American centric in this post’s context, but applicable almost everywhere) society? Being poor equates to being disadvantaged, while being poor and black/latino/other equates to being disadvantaged and also racially stereotyped by those who are part of and/or maintain wealth and power dynamics in the first place.

Affirmative action is not just a meme that exists for politically conservative white people to use as a foil to blame for their problems. Affirmative action is a negotiated strategy that is trying to improve equality of opportunity among the racial disparities inherent in societal structures that somehow still hold on to racial inequalities despite decades of reform.

I’d rather put more time and effort into discussions and support on these topics towards formulating solutions that are inclusive of helping those affected by wealth inequality AND those affected by systemic racial inequality, rather than being dismissive of racial inequality as an active point of consideration.


My biggest concern with the downfall or even small proportional depopulation of Reddit is 100% going to be /r/sysadmin and /r/msp not being the best place to determine if there is an actual outage in progress for various cloud based IT services. I mean, it’s a real, legit concern to worry over if you’re in IT.


I just need the RIF client made into a LIF client to solidify the permanence of Lemmy.


Thats for all the work you’re doing on this.

Just FYI, here is a different recurring issue that keeps coming back, I’ve strictly been using website, keep receiving MLB Game stats for the same day when opening random links, just happened when I opened this thread to view comments. So far if I just reload the page it will then show the correct content. But it keeps happening.


Interesting that you chose to bring the exact kind of arrogant whiny bullshit over here from Reddit that we all hoped would be at a reduced pace for at least a little while. Chill and focus on positive interactions.


Any Lemmy/fediverse instance could come up with a localized monetization scheme for people that browse through it, but it wouldn’t affect other instances (or if they were injecting ads into feeds, they’ll just get blocked by everyone else), but for the most part, it’s got more of an IRC server vibe, no monetization needed when community volunteers are plentiful and the barrier to entry is low. Eventually ‘big boys’ like will want a more formal and reliable way of paying for their server and bandwidth needs beyond primarily unsolicited donations ($ and time) by volunteers.

These are not profit generating services, they are community services. For now.
