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Honestly, this is pretty much the opposite of what civil construction looks like in our neck of the woods. The roles are inversed, the veterans sit around, not even pretending to look busy, while the Junior works.

Would very much like to get paid to catch sparks. How cool does that sound for a job description!


Samsung Galaxy Ring, or How To Sell eWaste For 500 Bucks Apiece.


Seems to reinforce the rule that most good things which come out of Capitalism are either by accident or out of spite.


Someone call me an ambulance. Tell them I don’t want to be resuscitated.


Y’know, I had a moment of reflection while reading some of the impressions people had about Space Marine 2. Found one specifically praising it because “it has no wokeness.”

I don’t get it… I mean, this setting is clearly a dystopian sci-fi horror where pretty much everyone is either an asshole, or cannon fodder, right? What the hell does it matter what gender said characters identify as? Why would it matter if we had all types of Space Marines (yeah, yeah, lore, yadda-yadda, but c’mon…the Rubicon Primaris itself contradicts a whole lotta lore… it’s 40k, its lore is as stable as melted cheese), or trans characters, or agender, or anything else?

It’s one of those situations when one realises they like the same thing a lot of very unpleasant people like. And even though the reasons for liking said thing are diametrical opposites, it still leaves one with that sort of… icky feeling… Speaking personally, I almost feel guilty for loving 40k when seeing how a lot of assholes genuinely simp for Big E’s Genocidal Utopia…


So… ok, look… I know this comment may be nuked into oblivion, but I’m just a guy (closer to agender in terms of how I identify, but try explaining that to my fellow countrypeople… ) attracted to women, who’s had to deal with a Standard Eastern European male-focused upbringing and am now open and willing to undo that damage.

To get to my point, from the perspective I’ve detailed above, this is too vague to offer any clarity related to the specific problem and/or any ideal solutions.

In my opinion, while I do agree that keeping a finger pointed at the problem is a must in order to avoid it slipping from the list of things to solve moving forward, just pointing the finger and letting others figure it out is not. This is part of the very problem we’re trying to address, we all (yes, all, including myself) want people who identify as and own “man” as a part of their identity to grow and become healthier as members of this species, yet most material just says “men are toxic” and that’s it. There is no example offered, there is no list of things to be addressed, and, to be very honest, these feel like they’re coming from a place of hurt and not with an intent to teach, fix or help fix.

TRIGGER WARNING: the paragraph below contains a trauma joke, said joke exists solely to establish ownership of my trauma and neuter it of its power. I do not mean to offend anyone or minimise any traumatic experiences.

Personal anecdote, I could say the exact same thing as the OC about every one of my exes, all women, were I to allow myself to fall into the trap of resentment. Hell, I’m literally missing SA to get the Abuse Bingo.

The OC means nothing to me (no offence intended, I’m referring strictly to what message I can gleam from it), as I’m sure it would mean nothing to the many people I know who identify as men and are actively trying to redefine what that means for the benefit of themselves and those around them. At best, it reinforces the idea that “The Right tries to sell me misogyny and brain pills, The Left calls me an asshole,” at worst it actively pushes people away from the threshold of change, and, in my opinion, neither option is of any benefit. Why not offer some clarifying details alongside it? Or even learning material if you know of any?

Again, mean no offence to anyone, shit’s as confusing as can be to me and I’m honestly coming from a place of openness and willingness to do better. And, yeah, I know I’m essentially talking to a screenshot from Twitter, but, like… you get it.


According to what I managed to find, Bieber put out his cigarette on Post Malone, so Malone choked him.


At this point, in my completely layman’s opinion, I believe they’re a cult. Or at least they meet a lot of the common criteria, even down to isolation/alienation and the threat of rejection/retribution as a result of refusal to participate.


The jokes are becoming reality, I swear…
