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Ce să vă zic, mă, bine ați venit? bine ați venit, rău ați nimerit. La locu’ ăsta îi zice șerpărie, de la șerpii care umblă pe-aicea. Dracu’ știe cum au ajuns…

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@0x815 at this point no one willing to live a civilized life (i.e. in the city and just about any sort of settlement) has any reason to stay in Russia whatsoever. There’s no point in living like a fugitive, like some sort of a criminal just to avoid drafting.

It’s sad that it happens this way though.


On one hand, it makes sense for Threads to enable Fediverse integration only on public profiles, technically. With a Threads-only private profile, they can ensure that if you want to delete stuff in your profile or even your profile altogether, this can be deleted for good.

On the other hand, for people like me, it makes me unable to get in touch with my close ones who might choose to keep their profile on private. If they’d like to keep using the Fediverse in the future, they would have to choose between this or switching their profile view to public, and some people would dislike that.

This just makes Threads a poor choice for joining the Fediverse.


@admin this is a result of the enshittification of technology. You’re no longer forced to learn, you’re only displayed a button that you need to press. Doesn’t matter what will the button do behind, just blindly trust that it does what it says it does.


I think this means allowing the listing of third party app stores inside the Google Play Store - so you could search for F-Droid in Google Play for example instead of downloading and installing the .apk manually.


@hedge Wow, this is big. Fedi needs more macroblogging options to compensate for the domination of Mastodon and other microblogging platforms. And also it being another corporate actor like Meta, but smaller, will create the incentive for Meta to play more fairly in the long run and not EEE the Fediverse with Threads, just like it did with XMPP by integrating it under Facebook almost a decade ago. This is exactly what we need to become and stay mainstream.


@0x815 I always when I see news like this I sit and think whether in a similar situation it would be worth risking my life, my integrity, my career etc. just to make a statement against the government.

I don’t think I could resist after some point.

I have huge respect for such people!


@Enkrod I see where you are going, but Eastern Europe generally has a lot to go in order to get inclusion right. Like, right now, one of the two larger far right parties in here (yes, we have two and we sent them both to Brussels) are heavily promoting an initiative to add into constitution the fact that a family can only be composed of a man and a woman, as well as the right to pay with cash (yes, I know how crazy that sounds, it doesn’t matter what happens in reality). And we’re already in both the EU and NATO.



Wouldn’t it have been better to just selhost an instance? Like, they’d have more control…


@hedge I dislike Facebook, so that’s why I am here. But if the only way to stay in touch with people I know irl is on Threads, so be it. Either my server federates with Threads, or there’s one more Threads user in this world.

Well, at least that’s what many people would choose, imo. On the flip side, if Facebook itself would be federated and my server would federate with it, I would simply delete my Facebook account. Period.

I get that Meta is an outrageous organization, but people seem to forget the purpose of these platforms altogether - which is communication. And communications happen when other people use the same platform as well. And okay, let’s say I have a managed Fedi server (which is the most hassle-free option of self-hosting, leaving money and legal stuff aside). What am I gonna do if, e.g. I get a Tinder match and the girl is asking me for my Facebook or Insta? Should I say something like “hey, I don’t have either, but make an account on this random-ass website where only a few hundred people are there as well, and you don’t know anyone of them personally”?

If people want to get people to leave the Meta platforms for Fedi and whatnot, then federating with Threads and educating people this way would actually be a better option imo.
