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A guy on there told me that I should thank liberals for the Civil Rights Act, and when I pointed to the letter from A Birmingham Jail, his response was, “and yet they passed the Civil Rights Act a year later. Curious, no?” Like…yeah dumbass, because actual progressives kept pressuring them publicly, like King did in the Birmingham letter.


Uh…Political Memes on .world is not socialist. Much more of a, “vote blue, no matter who,” and, “but her emails,” vibe over there.


Watchmen is a perfect example of how Zach Snyder doesn’t understand what he’s adapting. The original story is a deconstruction of the superhero, showing how sad and broken these characters would be in real life: right-wing murders, rapists, schluby middle-age guys with ED…Snyder takes those characters and films them like they’re cool and bad-ass. Aesthetically, it’s a beautiful, shot-for-shot adaptation, but at no point did it occur to him that the guy in a trench coat muttering to himself about filth and whores wasn’t supposed to be cool. It didn’t occur to him that a group of people who completely fail to stop the villian weren’t supposed to have action sequences straight out of The Matrix. It didn’t occur to him that a story about what superheroes would look like in the real world should be realistic.

The part that truly enraged me was a small moment at the very end. In the comic books, after everyone leaves, Dr. Manhattan goes to see Ozymandias one last time before leaving Earth forever. Ozymandias asks him if he was right in the end, and Manhattan tells him, “Nothing ends, Adrian. Nothing ever ends.” Ozymandias asks what he means by this, but Manhattan leaves without answering. In the movie, Snyder replaces Dr. Manhattan with Owlman in this interaction. Ozymandias’ story ends with a character who is essentially God telling him that his entire plan was pointless, and Snyder swaps out God for the story’s everyman character. It’s a perfect distillation Snyder’s inability to understand even the simplest subtext.


Well, take that, established rules of comedy!

…The previous sentence was a reference to common idiom, “If you have to explain the joke, then it’s not funny,” while the current sentence is an example of irony. Here, I am not using irony as it’s colloquially used, which could best be described as a funny coincidence, but rather by its literally definition of, “the use of words expressing something other than their literal intention.” While the literal intention of my words is an explanation of my first and second sentences, the non-literal intention is a continuation of the premise that I am over-explaining my own jokes, thereby using irony to create what some would call a, “meta,” joke.


The point of the comment wasn’t to blame the drag queens. It was to reverse the implicit shame of being, “caught,” that’s in the title, giving the connotation that it’s shameful or embarrassing to associate with the GOP candidate, not the other way around. It was just a little quip that I’m sure I’ve made much funnier with this explanation.


I think you mean, “Drag queens caught partying with GOP candidate who called them pedophiles.”


Yeah, considering how bad their campaign did with abortion, cat ladies, and misogynistic bullshit, my gut says this moment did some damage.


I thought Vance won the debate (mostly through Gish galloping), but I’m not sure it’s going to matter. The big moment of the evening was him being muted for aggressively talking over two women, and it wasn’t a great look. I’m sure it played well to Trump’s base of incels who hate journalists, but I doubt anyone else found it very appealing.


They’re somewhat different. Our news media doesn’t properly question our security agencies (they basically stopped doing this after 9/11), and Israel is our strongest Middle East alley, so they tend to present the Israeli narrative of the war with little or no scrutiny. That being said, given the sheer amount of destruction and death caused by the Israeli bombings, our media really can’t ignore the suffering of the Palestinians this time. They’re still far too deferential to Israel’s justification for the suffering, but they’re not ignoring.


Uh-huh. I’ll be honest, it doesn’t sound like you have any more influence or sway over your representatives than I do. I also get replies for telling them that they will lose my support over an issue, and Ed Markey’s office was never more responsive than when he was being primaried by Joe Kennedy. So if it’s all the same to you, I’m gonna keep voting third-party and making sure my representatives know they are replaceable, since it seems to be working at least as well as your strategy of unconditional support.
