
pudcollar [he/him]

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I hear the movie doesn’t hold up to the book. There are significant plot and character changes. I just watched the movie and it’s slightly subversive.


That’s what I’m watering! I hope they’ll be more independent when they’re established but I just started from seeds a few months ago.


I’ve had hemorrhoids for weeks and weeks, internal and external. I bought some TCM “Mayinglong” butt paste on the recommendation of reddit, it’s got some wild combo of calomine, vaseline, amber, artificial bezoar, artificial musk, and pearl. It seemed to help. I finally got serious about it and I’ve been eating big bowls of oatmeal for breakfast and lots of vegetables for dinner, along with fiber gummies in the morning. I’m taking 3-5 shits a day now. I’m farting around the clock, relentlessly. Every morning I have a huge fart the moment I wake up. This morning I dropped an unbroken 2 foot coil, thick and brown, that lazily circled the bowl until it broke the water level. I called my lover in to look at it and they agreed that it was an impressive movement.

The other day i was eating lunch at home, I hauled off and shat the hell out of my shorts thinking I was just gonna loose a raunchy fart. It was all water so I couldn’t feel what was in store. I don’t always shit my pants, but I’m definitely an occasional pants shitter. I love farting too much. I get in trouble.


I love the import tariffs on Chinese solar modules under Biden, Trump, and Obama


The dream of the 2030s is alive in Portland


Liberalism is the perfection of human freedom, democracy and justice. American liberalism is a beacon of light for the world, spreading prosperity and peace to the globe. Liberalism elevates the best minds, who are capable of solving problems of racial justice, healthcare inequality, crime and violence, and rules-based international order, using informed, rational, rigorous, altruistic and beneficent thought, unmatched in human history. The only reason that anything is wrong in the world is because liberals are obstructed by those got dang Rethuglicans.

Brutal communist ideologues look for simple answers and are largely incapable of grasping the wisdom and nitty-gritty details of the absolute infallibility of the process of gradual reform, and the absolute superiority of means-tested market-based solutions for all social, economic, geopolitical and environmental issues.

The wisest and most effectual thing any person can do with their life, other than running for office in the Democratic party, is to vote Democratic. There is no greater service to one’s country, and it is your social duty to uplift these people who know what’s best for all of us.


It’s probably a steel hull. The easiest way to sink it would probably be to break some through-hull connections below the waterline. Not much you can do from outside other than perhaps plugging the bilge pump’s output.

Or you could wait till a big storm and cut the docklines.
