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|unable to keep straight if Mozilla was a browser or a search engine

It is neither. It is a foundation that maintains a browser. It is like asking if Microsoft is a browser or a search engine.


Also: Algorithmic generated feeds where you try to click on one thing, but you click on the next thing in the list and when you click back, the feed looks completely different because it has new information on you. That thing you wanted to click on is gone and will never return.


These are people who believe in the death penalty because “courts don’t make mistakes”.


Trump’s civil trials: Half a billion in fines, lost ability to do business in New York.

Trump’s Jan 6 Federal case: stuck with SCOTUS deciding on presidential immunity by looking at polls in September.

Trump’s Stolent document case: postponed until an inept judge can figure out how to have a trial where one of the exhibits is “stolen plans to assassinat all current world leaders: CIA, do not distribute” without all world leaders catching wind.

Trump’s Georga interference case: Trying to get the other 10 defendants guilty before going after Trump

This was the only case that could have given him prison time before the election. Let’s see the judge screw it up.


Forget Trump, they indicted his Wisconsin lawyer Cheesebro! Do you know what this means? That Trump had a Wisconsin lawyer named “Cheesebro”!


Trump hit with huge fine he can’t pay -> Rumors of Trump trying to raise money from foreign governments -> Lawyers push back, say ‘you can’t just accept half a billion from foreigners to pay the fine, there are rules!’ -> Truth Social IPO raises a bunch of money that (foreign) investors are willing to ‘loose’ when the stock inevitably collapses -> Trump puts up the stock as collateral to pay the bond to pay the fine.

What? He can’t sell his stock for 6 months? No, he isn’t selling it, he is putting it up for collateral, totally legal, totally won’t be investigated by the SEC until he gets elected and fires the head of the SEC and the lawsuit goes away.


This will be done more and more until the first crash. Then everyone will freak out and everything will be grounded. The engineers will point out that statistically the flights done this way were safer ( 1 million miles were flown by AI in the last 3 years with only one incident. The same done by commercial pilots would have caused 3.5 incidents!)

Then other incidents will be dredged up. Some won’t be actual incidents, some won’t be the fault of the AI, and some will be because a human overrid AI control. However, the public will firmly be on the side of only humans should fly planes. Laws will be drafted. Then loopholes for “drones” will be made. A decade later these loopholes will be large enough to fly a 737 through.

No one will remember why they were put in place in the first place, but one political party will be firmly against removing the laws. It will take another generation for them to finally be removed, and by that point computers will be so far integrated with humans that biological humans might be banned from flying under the law if things didn’t change.

Hopefully, people will look back on this and say, lol, no, that post was edited in 2035, but good try.


Being an American requires conformity with the positive benefit of unity

Tell that to the Texas power grid.


…heard on the TV in the background while the main character is leaving the house.
