Now watch the Republican Party of “Law and Order”nominate a convicted felon to be the next president
You have to understand that this isn’t ironic to them. To them, this was not a legitimate trial and trumped up charges, if you’ll pardon the pun.
The guy behind me that watches fox news all day because “he needs something to help him focus” immediately started spouting fox talking points as soon as the verdict was read. My younger coworkers were like, “no way, that’s crazy” to all his bs. I just had to say, “no that’s not true. I read the jury instructions and they don’t say that.” He moved onto insisting there was no evidence and Cohen perjured himself and at that point I was already on my way out the door.
He’s Gen x, a landlord, new York exile, classic gabagool. Ugh.
Gen Xer here that does not share your co-worker’s moronic view. Lock him up!
I’d complain to HR that that guy is making the workplace hostile, if not outright tell him to shut the fuck up, but I get that that’s not a safe option at a lot of workplaces
Last week I had to remind my parents that FBI agents are cops and pretty much always are authorized to use deadly force…
It’s like when you’re guilty of 34 felonies but still pretend you’re innocent to scam idiots
All the other kids with the trumped up charges better run better run faster than my verdicts
I’m hoping the “playing the trump card” will morph into meaning you’re a lying, cheating piece of trash that should be taken outside and tarred and feathered.
That’s because his supporters worship him as a new messiah and cannot conceive of him having actually committed a crime. Or they don’t care if he did or not.
They don’t care if he did. I’d argue most of his supporters in the party (Mike Johnson for example) know that he is a horrible person but will support him because he has energized a dormant portion of the voting population that can help them to gain and hold power. Trump himself isn’t even that bad, he’s a useful idiot who gives immense power to far right organizations like the heritage foundation.
Don’t forget their party of “family values” and “religious morals” candidate who slept with a porn star while his wife was recovering from giving birth to their child
You know, on balance though, I think I’m glad that being a convicted felon doesn’t preclude one from being elected president. I’ve gone back and forth on it a lot, but I think it is for the best.
Can you elaborate? My knee-jerk reaction is to be against it, but I haven’t thought about it a whole lot and I’d be interested to know why you have decided on the opposite.
It means if there was an actual politically motivated prosecution, that wouldn’t stop someone from winning. ie. If Trump had managed to make some fake charge against Biden stick in 2020, if the people still wanted Biden to be president, he could be.
In this case it seems easy to be against it because a widely unpopular candidate is the one being prosecuted.
However, allowing felons to run for office precludes the ability for the government to silence political dissidents by making up laws/falsifying evidence that they can be imprisoned for.
The risk of a Trump presidency is still on the table, but the US can avoid situations like what happened to Navalny in Russia as well.
In the 1920 election, Eugene Debs campaigned as the socialist nominee for president from prison, having been imprisoned for advocating draft dodging. That is the sort of candidate I would still support, even from behind bars.
Just because you’re a felon doesn’t mean you’re not a citizen and part of the country. As such, you should be able to partake in democracy in all possible ways as well.
I really dislike this punitive mindset of completely ruining someone’s life for being convicted of a crime. People make mistakes, but we don’t want to exclude them from society, we want to reform them and bring them back in. So yeah, I think, even excluding all this political bs, that no person should have their right to vote or run taken from them.
To find out what rules he broke for each guilty verdict, search “trump rule 34”
Count #1: Guilty
Count #2: Guilty
Count #3: Guilty
Count #4: Guilty
Count #5: Guilty
Count #6: Guilty
Count #7: Guilty
Count #8: Guilty
Count #9: Guilty
Count #10: Guilty
Count #11: Guilty
Count #12: Guilty
Count #13: Guilty
Count #14: Guilty
Count #15: Guilty
Count #16: Guilty
When the GOP sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are convicted felons.
Can’t do the time, don’t do the crime. Get fucked you piece of shit
I can dream. I guess there’s some consolation to his mind slowly becoming his prison. If anyone deserves dementia, it’s this traitor
Asshole kept comparing himself to Capone…
Let’s give him what he wants!
Sentence his ass to 11 years & a roaring case of neurosyphilis.
I happened to be in my mother’s house when she called me to look at it live and there was zero mention on CNN of whether or not he would serve time over it. Sentencing in July.
Anyone know likelihood of jail time?
If one is being objective and not paying attention to his former job or publicity, he’s a first time offender convicted of non-violent offenses with a business footprint that makes him low risk for probation violation.
He would also place a burden on the penal system if incarcerated, and his current state of having round the clock law enforcement presence further lowers the likelihood that he goes to prison.
On the flip side, he has done a lot to actively antagonize the person who will be mostly in charge of his fate, and he’s got a good month to build a body of evidence that says he’ll immediately disrespect probation.
So almost certainly not, but it’s not as close to zero as you would expect for a former president.
Slim chance. It’s his first offence (first conviction anyway) and a non violent crime. Can’t see the judge jailing him, especially given the logistics involved with the Secret Service having to protect him.
My understanding is that we will see an appeal before sentencing on July 11th. If that is not successful, then he will get anything from a slap on the wrist to jail time. Sentencing is likely going to hinge on if he remains the lead Republican candidate. Jail time is going to have a lot of custom rules and exeptions that we are unprepared for; primarily secret secret protection. conviction section
Npr reporter said that each count has a maximum of 1 - 4 years in jail but usually served concurrently and the judge apparently already made a comment about jail time is not a guarantee or something. I am betting another useless fine and maybe some probation.
Basically zero. Even if it wasn’t a political/social crisis to put him in prison, he is a white guy who did a non-violent crime.
The most he would get would be house arrest. Which he would instantly violate.
I imagine that if the judge puts him in jail, preventing him from being elected as president, there’s going to be a lot of shtf. And by a lot, I mean across the entire country.
Some other Lemmy commenter suggested community service instead of jail time.
There’s something very appealing about the prospect of Trump, in a high-vis vest, picking up trash along the side of the freeway.
Yes, the sentencing ranges from probation to 4 years in prison. Given this is his first conviction and he’s a former president, I assume probation will be given. Though, he’s still under a gag order afaik…so if he violates that or probation somehow, maybe brief house arrest?
I definitely want pictures of him picking up trash with the secret service hanging around, at the very least