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Marvel TV has had more hits than misses. Secret Wars was the only one that was really bad. She Hulk might not have been enjoyable for everyone, but it did capture the spirit of the comics. Falcon and the Winter Soldier suffered from Anthony Mackie syndrome, but otherwise was pretty good. Moon Knight was great, the specials were really good, Hawkeye was decent for the most part, and Echo was a pleasant surprise, and Ms Marvel was good enough to get the job done. What If and XMen 97 are both wins, too.

Loki and WandaVision were head and shoulders better than everything else.

On balance, I’d say the Disney+ TV shows have had a better batting average than the Post-Endgame films.


I mean, if bigots took over all the comments to fill them with hate speech on a Lemmy instance, it might makes sense to shut that down, too.


Well, you complained that I didn’t respond, and wrote the same comment twice, so I figured it meant a lot to you.


So why argue against people trying to get a better candidate?

Because I don’t believe you are trying to get a better candidate. I believe you are trying to attack Biden so that Trump wins. Your arguments are ridiculous and nonsensical.

  1. You and everyone else willing to vote for Biden, will vote for any Dem.

I already answered this one. I don’t believe it is “and everyone else.” I’m only speaking for myself.

  1. Some people don’t want trump, but won’t vote Biden.

Yes, some people don’t want Trump but won’t vote for Biden. There are more people who won’t vote for someone they don’t know. I don’t believe the former group outnumbers the latter.

  1. There exist other politicians who can be the Dem nominee.

No, there are no other politicians who both can and want to be the nominee right now. None.

Conclusion: Sticking with Biden, becomes the worst chance at beating trump.

You only reach that conclusion if you want Trump to win.

Don’t worry about anything else, just look at that logic.

Can you find any flaw in it?

I cannot find any logic, so I also can’t find any flaws.

But just so you don’t keep asking:

I’m curious, though, who is your candidate?


This reveals you aren’t serious at all. Every progressive would love to see AOC in the White House, but no true progressives are delusional enough to think she shouls challenge Joe Biden for the nomination. AOC has no interest in running for President, and has zero chance of raising the money or infrastructure required to mount a legitimate campaign. You might as well have named Jon Stewart or Kermit the Frog.

But again. All we’re talking about who can beat Trump. And if that logic up there isn’t something you disagree with, let me know. Just stripping this all down to a pure logic thing.

Again, no logic, just distractions.

I’m optimistic this will work.

I don’t believe you. But if you’re serious, grow up.


The thing about “full panel DNA” is that you’re going to get a lot of noise. You might have a gene for a rare form of cancer you may never develop. Does that mean you should be getting blood tests every few months? Maybe you have a gene that shows your liver breaks down medicine quicker. Should doctors increase your dosages?

The reality is that most of the information isn’t actionable. For most things, we don’t have a linear 1 to 1 relationship between genes and health. You might have a gene that predisposes you towards alcoholism, but you grew up to dislike the flavor of alcohol so it never becomes an issue. You might have a gene for Alzheimer’s disease, but you get hit by a bus when you’re 30.

Doctors are using genetic testing where it is appropriate. If you have an ailment, and they need to test you for certain genes, then it makes sense to do so. You should take care of your health, and get regular checkups. Drink plenty of water, exercise, and eat healthy. Don’t drink or use drugs in excessive amounts. And don’t sweat the things you can’t change, like your genes. Que sera, sera.


You know what, I hadn’t thought of that. You’re completely right. You are obviously not a dipshit trying to spread disinformation, and we should all just let the fascists win by not voting. Good job, buddy, you did well today.


Per my previous comment, “Get the fuck out of here with your disingenuous bullshit.”






Dude is a fascist bigot who definitely voted for Trump and wrote articles in support of the insurrection. He lied in the article, saying he doesn’t vote in an effort to convince other people not to vote at all.


Drugs feel amazing. Getting high is like the fucking grand canyon, one of the things in life that lives up to the hype. Doing drugs makes you happier than you thought you could be, and there are a lot of people who don’t have a lot of reasons to be happy.

We shouldn’t pretend that drugs are bad, mm-kay. Drugs are awesome. That’s the problem. They’re too awesome. It’s an awesome overload, and you end up not wanting to do anything except for drugs.

People who do drugs are not evil. They’re having fun, experiencing new things, making friends and bonding over shared experiences. You tell a bunch of kids that drugs will ruin their lives, and then somebody at a party passes them a joint or offers them a bump of coke, they’re going to realize you were full of shit.

Like, let’s say that there was some weird flesh-eating bacteria that was specifically found only on water slides, but only on a few water slides. Now it’s your job to convince all the children of the world to avoid water slides, because of the small possibility of bacteria. It’s a serious problem, and it would be correct to tell everyone to avoid all waterslides everywhere, even if only a small percentage of waterslide riders died horrible deaths. So you tell people waterslides might kill you or maim you in excruciating ways. But if you act like waterslides aren’t fun, you lose all credibility. Most people who ride the waterslides don’t die, and they go on to tell everyone how much fun they had on waterslides, and that doesn’t make them bad people.


Get the fuck out of here with your disingenuous bullshit.

The guy in the picture does vote. He is a fascist who supports Trump and supported the terrorist insurrection on Jan 6. Telling people not to vote is part of a coordinated disinformation campaign to help fascists win more elections.

That’s how you’re wrong. You want to keep arguing, that just proves that you’re part of the campaign.
