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News reports confirm the images

“If I’m being generous, that looks like 10 rows of 10 seats across on each side,” reported a tech correspondent Chris O’Brien. “So about a total of 200 people potentially?”


That’s a better angle. It really shows the 400 million joyful attendees. Yuge political movement.


He clarified that he does love his wife, despite her not being white.

It’s amazing how he finds ways to create a bigger hole for himself out of softball questions raised by friendly media outlets. Imagine the stuff he would say if he sat for interviews with real journalists trying to press him on the wacko stuff he’s said and his unpopular policy positions as a candidate.


It’s clear that everyone on the progressive side of the political spectrum hates Trump. But even on the conservative side, people in leadership also hate Trump. When it comes to presidents and VPs, Bush has stopped short of talking about Trump but he has spoken against the MAGA movement, and the Cheneys hate Trump. Mike Pence was almost killed by Trump’s coup attempt and he spoke against him too. The previous GOP candidates for president were Romney and McCain, and they both hate(d) Trump with a passion.

I think it’s at least telling by looking at the presidential tickets that everyone in leadership in the United States of America hates Trump, even within his own party. Anyone at the top level with proven experience on how to run this country, on both sides, hates Trump.

Maybe the MAGAs have no ability to stop and ponder on this. But the independents considering their choices for Nov might. And any conservative that cares about running the country right might consider their choices too. Perhaps not every registered Republican has the stomach to keep putting party over country, and even more so now that the Republican party has been debased to just being for the Trump cabal and circus.


It seems we have different parameters for what is better. You seem focused on who technically owns the land regardless of what value can be had, while I’m focused on quality of life and how much of the value is enjoyed by the worker. The average salary of farmer employees in today’s America is in line with the average incomes for all households including college educated professionals. https://www.salary.com/research/salary/recruiting/farmer-salary

In the US, the average farmer salary is $47,390. The average farmer yearly salary in Russia is 31k /m rub or $4k USD /yr.

I know one of our US national pastimes is complaining about everything online, but if I had to be farmer, I know where in the world I’d rather apply for a job. And yes, that job would probably be at a mega corp, and that’s fine to me as long as I’m getting paid $47k this year with benefits and a 401k, instead of $4k with no benefits and no rights as a person.

That was about money, but I also honestly don’t understand the argument about “owning the farm”. For instance, there are tens of thousand of US employees working at Google making $200k+ /year. They don’t own Google, and I know they are fine with that arrangement. I haven’t seen one of them lament that the Alphabet corporation owns the land where their office building is located. They are all going to retire millionaires without ever owning “the means of production” or having eating a single oligarch.

In fact, our US farmer friend in the picture making $25 /hr is likely stashing away $5k+/ year in her 401k plan. The lady in the picture is slightly on the upper end of farmer income, and she will retire a millionaire too, having never owned the land.

The guy from the 1800s picture did not retire a millionaire, in case it needs to be said. He never retired, he likely never had $1000 in his bank account, which is also true for a Russian farmer today.


you pulled that $25/hr out of your ass

I guess there’s no point in discussing any further if providing sources and real numbers is not enough for you. Have a nice day, comrade.


You foam at the mouth about how my numbers are wrong, and then you post a link that validates the numbers and even suggests they are higher:

The annual salary for farm hands in 2024 range from $45,862 to $81,812, according to Indeed. The average salary is $61,254

Perhaps you need to slow down a bit to understand averages. Some people make less than $61k, some people make more than $61k, and for the average to work that means that for some that makes less there’s got to be others that make more. According to Indeed, that range is between $46k and $82k for FARM HANDS. Not part owners or some other capitalist arrangement, farm hands according to the stats.

By your own admission, there are a good deal of farm workers out there earning a salary of $82k /year, which BTW is higher than lots of people with master’s degrees in the city.

Since you are not contributing anything to the conversation, there’s no point in me replying further.


I don’t understand. How do they delete progressives and brown people from the voter register right before the election if there is no voter register? Do you just let any citizen vote without disenfranchising large segments of the population?

Next you are going to tell me you don’t even use an electoral college to prevent the winner of the election from becoming president.



Trump is the son, and grandson, of immigrants: German on his father’s side, and Scottish on his mother’s. None of his grandparents, and only one of his parents, was born in the United States or spoke English as their mother tongue.


This was a thing in 2011 because when he was birth-ering Obama people asked about Trump’s certificate, and he produced a piece of paper that turned out to be unofficial. A bunch of news articles from back then are down now even though most news websites go back decades usually. “Someone should investigate”
