I now drive exactly at the speed limit, causing traffic to pile up behind me as everyone else wants to speed.
I still drive the speedlimit on GPS measurement (and when available those speed measure points next to roads), but if some asshole is going like 20 over then I slow down to 1 km/h below on the dash.
I drive really slow in the ultra fast lane
While people behind me are going insane
Edited to say: I guess the lyrics of Denis Leary’s “Asshole” have been lost to the ages.
I use public toilets, and I piss on the seat
I walk around in the Summer time, saying, “How about this heat?”
Surprised this is getting as many upvotes as it is. It totally depends on context. I’ve seen posted 35 mph speed limits on 6 lane roads where every is going minimum 50mph, even with cops in the flow of traffic. I’ve also been on 2 lane roads (e.g opposing traffic is directly next to you) and the posted speed limit is 55mph.
If you’re doing the speed limit in the second one, well done. If you’re going 15-25mph below the flow of traffic in the middle or fast lane, because of a posted speed limit, that’s a problem.
If it’s a six lane, then me going 35 has no effect on all the speeders. dwi
I’ve seen people get pulled over for doing 60 in a 65 on a highway where everyone is doing 70-85, because it’s dangerously slow with only 2 lanes.
And it’s 6 lanes because of how much traffic there is, forcing people to weave around someone going 10-30mph below the flow of traffic is dangerous.