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They’ll bend over backwards to compromise with republicans but they won’t bend a finger to compromise with us. Why should I care if their political project fails?

8 points

Why should I care if their political project fails?

Because people get hurt.

Democrats might suck as far their desire, willingness, and ability to implement actual leftist reforms, but they are not as purposefully cruel. Suffering is real, more suffering is worse than less suffering, and one party is openly sadist.

Also, one party will make your goal of making the world a better place (which I assume is your ultimate goal) much more risky than the other. Why would you make your goal more difficult to achieve out of spite?

(This is your cue to bring up black vans at BLM and say that Democrats are no better).

I realize that the Democrats are not going to bring about communist utopia, but as a trans person, one party winning power makes me scared of going about daily life, makes me wonder if my medication will be banned, whether I’ll be prohibited from public areas because of my identity – the other doesn’t. But I guess you don’t care about any of that.

If you think voting Democrat will make your revolution less likely or take longer, and you are willing to let harm happen to make it happen faster than you are an accelerationist - a morally tenuous position at best.


Trans liberation will NOT come from voting democrat

1 point

Nobody said this, I don’t know what the point is to bring this up.

50 points

Democrats might suck as far their desire, willingness, and ability to implement actual leftist reforms, but they are not as purposefully cruel. Suffering is real, more suffering is worse than less suffering, and one party is openly sadist.

Republicans are obviously more cruel than Democrats and I’ll even throw in that they’re generally dumber as well. But I do think you’re underselling just how dog shit and cruel Democrats are. We have somewhere between 50-90k people dying each year due to lacking healthcare in this country and Democrats have absolutely no desire to stop it. Nada, zilch, none, 200-360k people will have died in the US under Biden presidency that didn’t have to.

Republicans are dumb antivaxers who don’t understand science, but Democrats claim to, which makes their COVID response a cruel and disgusting genocide on those with disabilities.

whether I’ll be prohibited from public areas because of my identity – the other doesn’t. But I guess you don’t care about any of that.

I can’t speak for the person you responded to, but I would assume that they care about trans rights and existence.

I do think two things are worth noting:

  1. Your and my votes generally do not matter because a single vote usually is not going to make a difference we could have every Hexbear user vote, even the non-American ones, and it would not move the needle.

  2. The attack on trans people is happening while Democrats are in power and rather than confronting it in any meaningful way they’ve equivocated about the complexity of childs sports.

If you think voting Democrat will make your revolution less likely or take longer, and you are willing to let harm happen to make it happen faster than you are an accelerationist - a morally tenuous position at best.

Capitalism is going to do what it does regardless of which party we vote for. This is because the contradictions are very apparent and neither party is capable of addressing them. Republicans will continue to scapegoat trans people and probably immigrants and Democrats will continue to be cowards while hogs shoot up schools and gay bars. And that’s it. Nothing will be done about it.

3 points

Your and my votes generally do not matter because a single vote usually is not going to make a difference… (which seems to me to imply (in this case) don’t bother voting, revolution is the only way to make things better)

I see this attitude a lot in the auth-left. Is this a general thing or only counts when talking about voting?

What about driving SUVs? I’m just one person, doesn’t matter if I drive an SUV right? It’s only one automobile. And promoting the concept that people shouldn’t drive SUVs would be silly right?

What about consuming animal products? It wouldn’t matter if people become vegan or not right?, the cow is already dead, the carbon emissions already emitted, and one person eating a hamburger won’t make any difference, no sense in eating less meat or trying to promote eating less meat, it’d be no more useful than voting/promoting voting. The only solution would be to outlaw being non-vegan, and anyone who wants a burger deserves the wall right?

2 points

I agree with everything but I think this is a weak line to use:

a single vote is not going to make a difference

it’s true that leftists are too small in number to sway an election, but with that line you’re just gonna get “what if everyone thought that way.” You can see how the lib you were talking to latched onto that one line and ignored everything else.

more importantly, the whole purpose of denigrating voting is to get people to organize. As long as people organize, whether or not they also vote in national elections is of little consequence imo, as long as they have realistic expectations. If they think there’s some marginal harm reduction, that’s fine, as long as they don’t pin all their hopes on some crisp, bloodless Democrat who’ll let Citibank pick their cabinet like Obama did in 2008.

People need to understand that, even when the majority votes blue, their votes do not actually result in policy. We have to break the false sense of political agency that voting gives people. But the purpose is ultimately not to stop people from voting, but to make them start organizing.

Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens (2014)

Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence.


In the United States, our findings indicate, the majority does not rule — at least not in the causal sense of actually determining policy outcomes. When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the U.S. political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favor policy change, they generally do not get it.

1 point

Capitalism is going to do what it does regardless of which party we vote for. This is because the contradictions are very apparent and neither party is capable of addressing them. Republicans will continue to scapegoat trans people and probably immigrants and Democrats will continue to be cowards while hogs shoot up schools and gay bars. And that’s it. Nothing will be done about it.

So then why not look for realistic solutions to ending capitalism rather than entertain the idea that a few thousand people (who spent lots of energy in the meantime pissing people off online for fun) are going to persuade enough people to join them in a successful communist revolution?

I’m an anarcho-communist, so I’m not saying the solutions to the world’s problems can be solved within the system, but I also think there is value in being realistic and reducing harm with available tools and not making my enemy more powerful out of spite.


You do not have a morally superior position because you personally feel scared by one of the two sides of the increasingly fascistic coin of american politics. I’d argue that dismissing the immense suffering of huge swathes of the world let alone the USA in exchange for personal security is an immensely selfish (at minimum amoral) stance. Especially when that security is built on a house of cards that can be taken away at any moment when the Democrats find it “politically inconvenient” to support trans people.

Also, yes, lots of dems are intentionally cruel, so socialists support and organize with socialist/left parties. Wild that. The binary of Republican-Democrat is such an obviously bullshit creation; it’s incredible that in the year 2023 people are still browbeating people for not caring about presidential elections. It might be worthwhile to interrogate why you think that the mass amounts of violence that the Democrats support (often, in conjunction with the Republicans or as continuation of Republican policy) can be so readily dismissed.

If you think that voting in US Presidential Elections will make your country any better, and you are willing to ignore harm happening to the already hyper-exploited and oppressed populations of the world, then you are a misguided electoralist - a morally tenuous position at best.

1 point

You do not have a morally superior position because you personally feel scared by one of the two sides

I have a morally superior position because I’m trying to reduce harm while you’re trying to get your party into power.

31 points

Was what they did to Libya not purposefully cruel? are mandatory minimums and three strike laws not purposefully cruel? is mass deportation not purposefully cruel? Are sanctions on Venezuela not purposefully cruel?

1 point

Was what they did to Libya not purposefully cruel?

Not sure what this is about

Are mandatory minimums and three strike laws not purposefully cruel?

Yes, and I’d imagine there’s much more support for this type of law amongst Republicans then Democrats. I’d imagine you’re going to point out the '94 crime bill or something and Democratic support. Well, understand I’m not a Democrat apologist, I don’t think they are without blame or do no wrong, they are just not as bad as Republicans.

is mass deportation not purposefully cruel? Are sanctions on Venezuela not purposefully cruel?

Yes, do you think Republicans would not do these things? And much worse? I’m not saying Democrats are good.


I disagree with this post being removed. First of all, I think trans people who are afraid of the GOP’s genocidal actions against trans people should have room to express that fear. I’ve always said that still clinging to the idea that there is hope to save trans people in voting for Democrats is an understandable if wrong position. I empathize with it.

Second, I think there should be room in leftist circles to discuss whether lesser evilism and harm reduction are acceptable positions. I don’t think it should be dismissed as liberalism. I was a comunist who still believed in lesser evilism for a looooooong time and to this day I would vote Democrat in presidential elections if I lived in a state where my vote mattered. Honestly, with lesser evilism its more that I’ve accepted the party line without really understanding it rather than really truly getting why its wrong, so Ilike discussions about it to happen because I learn best through discussion.

Obviously I disagree with them that there is any hope in the Democratic party. I’m past that point. But I don’t think they said anything removable. Nothing that makes this space unsafe for Hexbears.

5 points

Fair points.

1 point

What got removed? Did I get removed? Is Hexbear scared of me? lol

Y’all define liberalism as anyone not 100% pro Xi Jinping Thought. A liberal is a proponent of capitalism right? I am not.

I’d like to point out in a binary system, i.e. “lesser evilism” vs “more evilism”, the choice should be clear. Voting Democrat is not about thinking the “lesser evil” will fix things, it’s about not making things unnecessarily worse.

20 points


Okay… So… there were some headlines at the beginning of the year talking about how many anti-trans bills the Republican party had been flooding the various states’ Congresses’ with. The number was in the hundreds across the USA.

You know what I never read a headline about? How many pro-trans bills the Democratic party were flooding those same Congresses’ with in response. So like, no only would they be vocal and voting against the anti-trans stuff but being vocal and pushing for pro-trans stuff. But that didn’t seem to happen. One party not only said what they believed, they actually tried to legislate in accordance with their stated beliefs. The other party will talk about believing something but get really waffley when it comes time to actually do the thing.

Also, if you live in a red state, the “harm reduction” argument doesn’t apply. Unless you vote for team red, your vote is wasted on a candidate.

1 point

The other party will talk about believing something but get really waffley when it comes time to actually do the thing.

I transitioned just over 20 years ago, at the time in California I had no right to housing or employment (i.e. it was perfectly legal for a landord to say “we don’t rent to your type”). Guess who changed that?

Also, if you live in a red state, the “harm reduction” argument doesn’t apply.

So you’re saying it matters?


Democrats might suck as far their desire, willingness, and ability to implement actual leftist reforms, but they are not as purposefully cruel. Suffering is real, more suffering is worse than less suffering, and one party is openly sadist.

Cop City is a complete counter to this argument. It’s in Atlanta, a Democrat stronghold. It’s obvious Cop City is a response to the George Floyd uprising, which the Democrats alongside the Republicans suppressed through counterinsurgency. Your fundamental error is believing the two parties aren’t part of a domestic counterinsurgency apparatus. An effective COIN apparatus employs the carrot and the stick. Of course the carrot is less immediately painful than the stick. That’s the function of the carrot. But do you think the good cop is somehow better than the bad cop, especially when they’re working together as a team?

Also, one party will make your goal of making the world a better place (which I assume is your ultimate goal) much more risky than the other. Why would you make your goal more difficult to achieve out of spite?

This is not really substantiated. You could easily make the argument that the Republicans are so openly reprehensible that people are far more likely to rise up like we saw with how the George Floyd uprising was partially fueled by Trump being an open fascist. Both this argument and your argument make the error that the Republicans and Democrats aren’t working together. Just because they have different roles doesn’t mean they aren’t part of the same team.

I realize that the Democrats are not going to bring about communist utopia, but as a trans person, one party winning power makes me scared of going about daily life, makes me wonder if my medication will be banned, whether I’ll be prohibited from public areas because of my identity – the other doesn’t. But I guess you don’t care about any of that.

Democrats don’t enshrine anything into law, meaning whatever fascist bullshit the Republicans come up with will be put up without a fight. Plus, federalism means those bullshit laws get passed anyways regardless who’s president. We saw this with Roe vs Wade where Democrats didn’t do shit after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of reproductive rights. They don’t do shit when they’re in power, and they aren’t an opposition party when not in power.

If you think voting Democrat will make your revolution less likely or take longer, and you are willing to let harm happen to make it happen faster than you are an accelerationist - a morally tenuous position at best.

Voting Democrat is at best a stalling tactic until Republicans drive the car off the cliff. If it’s in the context of you and your loved ones fleeing the US to a more progressive country, then yes, voting Democrat makes perfect sense since you would be out of the car when the car goes overboard. But if you have no real plans of immigrating to another country, voting Democrat means nothing since the car is going overboard anyways. Or it would be going overboard unless we wrestle control of the car from both the Democrats and Republicans.

1 point

You could easily make the argument that the Republicans are so openly reprehensible that people are far more likely to rise up

This is accelerationism, it harms people and the outcome is very uncertain so it’s not worth it, I am not for it.

Democrats don’t enshrine anything into law, meaning whatever fascist bullshit the Republicans come up with will be put up without a fight

So Democrats are not your ideal communists so you’re just gonna let fascists in power?

Voting Democrat is at best a stalling tactic

YES!!! FUCK!!! You get it! Vote Democrat and stall the fucking shit hitting the fan and build dual power, build community. Dunking on people ain’t the way to make progress.




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