Why yes let’s deforest the side of a mountain so we can run down it and possibly hit trees at fatal speeds. Im fucking glad climate change is making this bougie bullshit harder to do. I went skiing once, horrible experience. Everyone in the skiing lodge was a rich white asshole and it felt like I walked into a country club, no a hitler youth recreation club. If you own a timeshare let alone an entire house at a ski resort you deserve the fucking wall!!!

50 points

Do Americans think skiing in general is the same as alpine? Skiing isn’t any more bougie than going for a hike.

37 points
Deleted by creator

Yeah, every criticism I’ve seen in this thread applied exclusively to alpine skiing, and almost exclusively to alpine resorts.

Cross-country is basically just Other Snowshoeing. Brand new gear costs maybe a couple hundred bucks, used gear is perfectly functional and ubiquitous (at least here in Canada) and the only infrastructure or anything that needs to exist is just snow having fallen.


I think i only spent 80 bucks on my equipment, and it’s been working well for the past decade for cross country lmao.


Yeah this thread is wild. It’s a geography/climate tied sport. People are bitching about equipment being so expensive in California? The place famous for not getting much snow?

As this thread has tried to correct against only criticising the concept of traveling for vacations and the environmental factors of ski resorts (which both do suck yes) the criticism of non-alpine skiing has gotten even dumber than when it was just being ignored.

I guess I wish people could learn that not everything is always about them.

27 points

I’d argue alpine skiing isn’t bougie if you live within two to three hours of a mountain. Secondhand equipment is cheap, and lift tickets were affordable until relatively recently.

15 points

Yeah, I disliked it because it felt crowded and I felt pressured into it by my family, but I grew up in an area much closer than two hours and there was never a significant class element to it as far as I could tell. Kids who didn’t have their own equipment, like me, would just borrow. Maybe as an adult there’s more complicated stuff that you need specific gear for but I couldn’t tell back then.

8 points

Adult sporting equipment in general is hard to find because if you’re an adult who plays a sport you probably really like it and use the equipment until it’s busted. Kids grow out of stuff, or lose interest.

I can’t find adult ice skates in thrift stores ever. I’ve been on the hunt for a while, might have to just bite the bullet and spend $150 CAD on a new pair.

Only exception is golf gear because rich guys like buying new equipment.


I don’t know where you are, but where I live this has never been the sort of second hand stuff that is even remotely accessible to poor people.

I have been able to alpine ski about twice in my life. With rented equipment. Plenty of places around me for doing it, the lift tickets alone make it way too expensive.

And when it comes to cross country, which is a kind of national sport where I live, we all did do that as kids. But, it isn’t cheap. Plenty of kids can’t afford the equipment and those who have the good stuff obviously enjoy it more and don’t get laughed at.

During covid year one me and my partner thought about doing it again as it’s outdoors, but soon found out there is no way poor folks buy even cross country adult skiis that are actually usable. Used isn’t all that cheap either.

There are endless tax payer money maintained ski routes in this country during winter that take over walking routes, hiking routes etc. You are not allowed to do anything there but ski during the ski season. The people who do it are all upper middle class or otherwise in a position where they can afford the equipment. The poors don’t even get to use the area for walking during this time.

6 points

I don’t know where you are, but where I live this has never been the sort of second hand stuff that is even remotely accessible to poor people.

Good point, the availability of secondhand equipment isn’t something that ever crossed my mind.

I grew up in the California Bay Area. The PMC types buy equipment, use them for a season or less, then get rid of them on Craigslist and/or yard sales—the surplus drives the prices way down, especially during off-season. It’s still too expensive if you’re struggling to put food on the table and pay rent, but it’s viable if there’s breathing room in the budget.

In the 90s and 00s a decent set up of used jackets, pants, helmets, skis, and boots could be had for under $100, and last you for well over a decade. Hell, my dad is still using gear he bought in the 90s.

Gear is more expensive now. We recently had to kit up my cousin’s bf, and we managed to scrounge everything for $155. He’s a min wage worker, but in our cultures multigenerational living is the norm, and that reduces the cost of living enough that spending that much won’t put him in the red. He also didn’t have spend everything at once, because our family could loan him whatever he was missing while we searched for good deals.

Lift tickets also aren’t what they used to be. Growing up, lift tickets at smaller resorts could be had for $10-15, so overall the sport was affordable for working class refugees with only a highschool education and a middling income. Now the cheapest lift tickets at the smallest resorts are $25, and that price is only available once a month.

Had my parents fled to the US now or within the last decade instead of when they did in the 80s, we wouldn’t have been a skiing family. With the increase of lift ticket prices, we remain a skiing family only because we have all the gear already, and living with my parents lets me save up enough to buy us season passes. If I were living on my own I wouldn’t be able to afford it, nor would my parents since they’re on a fixed income.

Skiing with family and friends are some of my fondest memories, and introducing new people to the sport and watching them fall in love with it is phenomenal. Watching year after year as that joy becomes increasingly out of reach for the working class is enraging. Don’t even get me started on the insulting, increasingly low pay of resort workers, destroying another solid avenue that working class kids used to use to afford slope time.

You could never really be poor and ski around here, but to the average middle class family it was doable. Now only those in, just below, or above the upper middle class can afford it. It’s only going to get more bougie from here on out, which is a travesty.

There are endless tax payer money maintained ski routes in this country during winter that take over walking routes, hiking routes etc. You are not allowed to do anything there but ski during the ski season. The people who do it are all upper middle class or otherwise in a position where they can afford the equipment. The poors don’t even get to use the area for walking during this time.

That blows big time, I’m sorry. While the resort slopes are exclusive to skiers, the miles and miles and miles of hiking trails in the Sierra Nevada are open to regular and snowshoe hikers, as well as cross country skiers. Y’all are getting hosed. We’re all getting hosed. Death to capitalism.


Now that I don’t live with my parents, nor can they pay for my ski passes, I can’t imagine spending $100-200 for a ski pass, plus the cost of driving to and from a ski-hill that’s 90 minutes away from me :(

13 points

I couldn’t afford downhill skiing as a child (and we lived right next to a ski hill) and I am still vaguely resentful. Used to bring a sled up the hill by foot and go down it though. The only way I got to learn how fun it is was my mum winning a union raffle for a skiing weekend.

My brother twisted his ankle the first day, so it wasn’t very fun for him, but that is what we call a skill issue.


Ah solidarity, I also won a week long ski pass as a teen with lift tickets and rented skiis. I went to it with a friend and we spent all day every day in the slopes. That along with a school class trip are the only times I have alpine skied in a country of endless ski slopes, haha. It was a lot of fun, the rich kids did it all the time. Tony Hawk games and snowboarding was a big thing at the time and it was the rich kids in my class exclusively who had snowboards and were able to do that and flex about it.

1 point

There’s a reason why you never see successful winter sports athletes from the global south.


Because we have no snow for the most part lol


Climate definitely doesn’t help. Hard to do snow sports where there is no snow.

Southeast Asia seems to be serious about building up infrastructure for a number of winter sports so maybe in the future that will be less true.

42 points

You clearly don’t have an adequate appreciation for how bad golf is if you think this is an appropriate comparison


It’s pretty fun. I don’t think anyone who has to drive a long way and pay big for outdoor clothes and equipment rental is having fun though.

Some of the nicest memories I have are stunting on rich tourists in fifteen year old thrift store gear that got refurbished at a shop in the off season.

It’s nice to go fast.

32 points

fuck it I will go to the mat for skiing. not those monstrous resorts but cross-country skiing and also backcountry skiing are both fun, except for the avalanches that kill at least one of your friends every year.

10 points

I do like the sound of dead skiers.

7 points

you literally cannot walk around where i live because of snow from november to late april but the city bike paths all get groomed for nordic skiing so its an actually a very viable way to get around

3 points

Does anyone around you use kicksleds? Remember them being all over when I was a child but haven’t seen one in years.

2 points

there’s a store here that’s making an effort to build a kicksled community, I’ve seen people using them on frozen lakes a bit as an alternative to skating but people on the trails are usually on skis or fat bikes.

1 point
Deleted by creator

I live in Colorado and used to go skiing a couple times every year as a kid (ie, when my parents were paying for it). It’s pretty fun to go sliding down a scenic mountain at 30 mph, and it’s rewarding to learn and get better. But now that I’m an adult I’ve decided that it’s not really worth it to wake up early on a weekend, drive 2+ hours, freeze my ass off, spend a lot of money, and possibly hurt myself. Speaking of, you definitely want a helmet if you don’t want to end up like Sonny Bono.

There are a few smaller and cheaper ski slopes that aren’t crowded with rich tourists, but they’re the exception. I’ve run into plenty of rich dickheads on the slopes, and lots of loud obnoxious Texans dressed fully in Cowboys gear.

14 points

That’s where I’m at with it. Winter Park, Eldora, Loveland, all the I-70 and Wyoming ones- I have so many options nearby for skiing. I haven’t been skiing since moving here because it’s $200+ to freeze and die.


Ski Cooper on their discounted Thursdays is the only place worthwhile, in my extremely humble opinion. Otherwise, just be like me. Stick to trying to find good places to cross country ski and be mad at yourself all winter for moving away from the midwest.


be mad at yourself all winter for moving away from the midwest.

To be fair, you were sort of forced to move to Colorado


I knewa few people who would go in the evening and get cheap passes to stay late into the night getting blazed and skiing. I’m not in mountain territory tho, just big cold hills lol

its less rich people doing it here but still very white
