Yeah… thanks for bringing that up. Watership Down 1978, for those curious.
As a Gator dad myself, and one who has done this to his kid a couple of times, I was feeling very empathetic for the Gator dad, until I zoomed in.
NOBODY forgets how traumatizing Watership Down was. That’s… that’s not a thing.
- Old Yeller (Disney, 1957)
- Where the Red Fern Grows (1974)
Neon Genesis Evangelion
I was told this was a better, darker Secret of Nyhm. It so was not. Nyhm was actually good.
I saw NIMH first and read Watership first, so maybe that’s why I prefer the NIMH movie and Watership book, but I don’t remember the film being bad. There was also a CGI one made a few years ago that was pretty good, although the graphics aren’t great-- feels a little low-budgety.