Suggesting Democrats are doing “everything possible” on an issue like healthcare is absolutely wild.
The last time we heard Dems talk about healthcare was when Bernie pressured candidate Biden into “supporting” a public option. Then once elected, with control of congress, Dems didn’t even broach the subject.
No, you don’t get it. Democrats are the best at everything and always doing whatever possible to solve all issues in the US and abroad. Hence why what’s happening in Gaza is completely unstoppable, why healthcare sucks so much because it’s an unsolvable problem etc.
I’ve got the opposite impression from the Democratic Party; ever since 2016 the only thing they seem to be capable of telling the American people is “at least we’re not as bad as The Other Guy!”
This far, Vance is only a dipshit millionaire (estimated ~10M).
“We ShOulDnT sEnD OnE MoRe ReD CeNt To FoRiEgN CoUnTrIeS uNtIl tHe DaMaGe FrOm HuRrIcAnE HeLeNe Is FuLlY RePaIrEd.”
Posted on Facebook by a relative who: A.) Has exactly zero understanding of how the federal government functions. B.) Would gladly tell the people whose homes were destroyed by flooding to go fuck themselves if it meant showering Israel with financial support for their “special military operation”. C.) Is painfully oblivious to irony.
Fox news / Onan (what ever that channel is) mostly