“We ShOulDnT sEnD OnE MoRe ReD CeNt To FoRiEgN CoUnTrIeS uNtIl tHe DaMaGe FrOm HuRrIcAnE HeLeNe Is FuLlY RePaIrEd.”
Posted on Facebook by a relative who: A.) Has exactly zero understanding of how the federal government functions. B.) Would gladly tell the people whose homes were destroyed by flooding to go fuck themselves if it meant showering Israel with financial support for their “special military operation”. C.) Is painfully oblivious to irony.
The FEMA “bankrupted itself to give ‘illegals’ money while denying citizens’ valid requests” bullshit is penetrating. It’s obviously bullshit, but it needs to be countered.
Fox news / Onan (what ever that channel is) mostly
This far, Vance is only a dipshit millionaire (estimated ~10M).