Ahem, ONE dipshit billionaire. One poser.
Disaster capitalism is a thing.
“We ShOulDnT sEnD OnE MoRe ReD CeNt To FoRiEgN CoUnTrIeS uNtIl tHe DaMaGe FrOm HuRrIcAnE HeLeNe Is FuLlY RePaIrEd.”
Posted on Facebook by a relative who: A.) Has exactly zero understanding of how the federal government functions. B.) Would gladly tell the people whose homes were destroyed by flooding to go fuck themselves if it meant showering Israel with financial support for their “special military operation”. C.) Is painfully oblivious to irony.
The FEMA “bankrupted itself to give ‘illegals’ money while denying citizens’ valid requests” bullshit is penetrating. It’s obviously bullshit, but it needs to be countered.
My aunt somehow managed to wedge Kamala and North Carolina into a conversation about my grandmother.
She said, it’s not doing anything and I wanted to tell her, as the vp, the vice president shouldn’t be doing anything other than directing other people to do things.
But you can’t argue with crazy, you can’t feed the trolls, so I just told her I don’t pay attention to the news because all anyone wants to do on the news is tell you the most horrible things they can imagine so that you’ll keep listening to the news and that got her off that topic to Armageddon or something.
It’s probably more complicated, but I wonder how much their opinions would change if they didn’t have cable or Facebook. Like a Netflix & Disney sub were the only things on their TV, you’d be hearing about Paul & Prue instead.
Many of them don’t and they get their news from Facebook, YouTube and similar sources. Those are the least informed ones.
I guess part of it also comes from wanting to be important.
Like, sure your life may have sucked but if your life ended at the rapture and then branched off into eternal Paradise because you were one of the good ones then it was all worth it right?
That’s sort of what I think is going on for people that are over 60 right now. They know that life sucks, they just are hoping for a way out because there isn’t any solution to the current suckage that the elders are going through.
C’mon, two billionaire dipshits is a little light. Let’s not understate the dipshittery. The others are buying the supreme court judges for Jesus or something.