
I'm back on my BS 🤪

37 posts • 178 comments

I’m back on my bullshit.

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Unfortunately, the medication lasts about a year before it expires. However, that’s in the fridge. At room temperature, the medication only last 14 days before it goes bad.

I appreciate your concern so much tho! I’m having a terrible day, so your care made it a bit nicer. Thank you very much 🥹


Wtf. Why would anyone care that a kid flaps his hands? To me, it’s so cute and endearing. They are visually communicating how happy and excited they are. It hurts no one, only spreads joy. Sorry you went through that 😕


Everyone walking around with digital cameras

  • We have video and photo evidence of nearly every single event because there are multiple people with cameras nearly everywhere there are people.

Global interconnection

  • I can instantly communicate with someone in Germany from the US. I can even share a picture or video with someone in a matter of seconds.


  • Whenever I do something risky or worry about becoming sick or ill, I recognize how lucky I am that I can just go to a doctor and it will likely be addressed without issue. This goes especially for bacterial infections.

If it weren’t for modern medicine, I’d have been dead over a decade ago since I have an autoimmune disorder that is treated with a weekly injection. Whenever there are discussions about societal disorder, my first thoughts are wondering how long I would last without the medicine.


I think it’s best to avoid them as much as possible. What I have done is keep a log of what sends me into them so that I can be aware and limit my exposure to these triggers. For me, it’s sensory overload, socializing, and stress. Basically, my brain has a certain amount of mental energy it can dedicate to processing, and when that runs out, I hit shutdown.

Given that, what seems to help with recovery is:

  • Quiet time
  • A dark, cool setting
  • Repetitive mindless tasks. For example, mining in Minecraft or looking at memes
  • Listening to or watching something I’ve seen/heard many times before
  • Sleep
  • Time with calm and quiet people
  • If the shutdown is triggered by social issues, then time with someone validating that could help develop a plan.

I had a similar experience.

  • Most of my friends were generally similar: straight-shooters, into science, and unique.
  • I had a friend whose kid I related to so much, that eventho I am generally pretty bad with kids, they used to ask me for advice on how to address certain issues with him.
  • When I was at a farmer’s market, I saw some toys that looked interesting. I asked the salesperson what they were for, and she responded saying that they were for autistic kids because it helps them calm down. I seriously said, “Man, those autistic kids know what’s up.” I bought two of the toys. One was for the kid mentioned above, and the other was for me.

A year later, a friend that is a psychologist tells me that I’m autistic. I get a formal evaluation just to make sure, and yep, I’m certainly autistic. For the next year, all these odd experiences in my life start to make sense:

  • I tell my friends and they said that they are autistic too and thought I knew because it was so obvious.
  • I learn that flappy hands is an autism thing. The kid mentioned flapped his hands whenever he would get excited. They weren’t necessarily asking me how to raise their kid. They were asking me for advice with autistic traits and issues.
  • They toy was a fidget toy, and I bought one for myself because it was soothing… because I am autistic and adhd.

this is hilarious!! 😂😂

  • Whomever is in charge is probably the biggest jerk here.

I find that when I get to new social settings and am trying to figure out each individual and group dynamics, a good shortcut is to find out who is in charge. That person is usually deceptive, controlling, and a bit manipulative. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have reached their position. Of course, this is a trend, not am absolute fact. There are social situations and organizations that I have been in where the person in charge isn’t a jerk. However, those places tend to be unique and smaller in size.


Case study seems like the most fitting research design terminology.
