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Yep! Once you have ID scrolls identified (usually by reading the largest stacks first) use them to identify other scrolls until you find blinking. Blinking should be thought of as a “scroll of lifesaving” because there are so many situations where blinking is the only thing that will save you!

After you have blinking identified (unless you’re identified a ton of scrolls but no potions yet) then go for identifying potions until you find degen and mutation as above!


Ideal pick for hunter is Hep. Take the knight ally and he’ll tank for you extremely well. You can shoot through him! It’s really good!

If you’re looking for something a bit different than that, try Fedhas or Nemelex. Both give you tons of options but require a bunch of invocations investment.

Fedhas’ wall of briars is super good for basically giving yourself a mini “sniper nest” to both shoot from and retreat past/to. Ballistomycete is scary powerful (but a bit dangerous to use if you’re not careful) and can wipe out large numbers of enemies by itself, as long as you protect it. Oklob plants are snipers themselves and totally safe to use. Overgrowth lets you break into vaults or otherwise get through walls even wands of digging cannot breach.

It must also be mentioned that if swamp generates in your game then Fed makes that branch totally free (or as close to free as you can get without it being like Slime for Jiyva).

Nemelex is just amazing. The strongest invocations-based god in the game. The one caveat is that you must use the cards regularly to get any benefit. If you’re the type of player who hoards consumables for the entire game and treats Nemelex like just another source of consumables then you won’t get anything out of it. Use the cards early and often in fights, before you feel like you’re in danger. They’re really quite fun to use too. Think of yourself like a gambling-based magic user with cards instead of spells. You’ll have a great time!


Was that agreement in place 13 years ago when I created my account?


Probably! But in the mean time I bet some real people will join just because they see the numbers going up.


Really gorgeous! So glad to hear you’ve had it running for a couple years.


It was designed for gridlock. The excess pressure has to vent somewhere. This is it


Letting the water “air out” often does not work anymore. Many municipalities have switched to chloramines for water treatment. Unlike chlorine, chloramines are long-term stable in water. This means they need to be removed either by treating the water with chemicals or filtered out with reverse-osmosis or activated carbon.


Ranchu goldfish get up to 8 inches long. They also like to dig in the substrate and nibble on plants. I personally wouldn’t risk it, but you do you! Do you have a way to rehome them if they don’t work out?


The big draws for ToME (for me) are: character classes, challenge, and music.

The game really has some cool classes, more complex than I’ve seen in any other Roguelike (and I’ve played a lot).

For example, the solipsist is a psionic character who grows more and more powerful mentally but more and more frail physically. They gain the power to warp the shape of reality with your mind, projecting waves of force and even creating swirling maelstroms of distortion.

They also gain the ability to sear the minds of their enemies, to project your own mind outside their body and travel through walls, to put all of their enemies to sleep and make their nightmares come alive to attack them, and even invade their dreams to destroy them in the dreamscape.

Another class, the paradox mage, is the master of time and space, with control over gravity and matter. They can create gravity wells, materialize barriers of solid matter and then blast them apart, create spikes of locally intense gravitation that rip through enemies. Create wormholes and warp mines to teleport themselves and enemies around, or dimensionally anchor enemies so that they snap back to where they were if they try to teleport (or are forced to teleport) away.

They can create temporal clones to fight alongside themselves, or travel into an alternate timeline to destroy an enemy, erasing them from the current timeline and continuing as if your target never existed in the first place. They can even stop time or take themselves out of the flow of time altogether. As well they can place a spell on contingency, having it cast automatically when their health drops below a certain threshold.

Perhaps their most dramatic talent is the ability to peer into the future and play out three different timelines, and then choose which of the possible futures becomes your reality.

And that’s just two of the many classes. There’s tons more and they all play completely differently from one another!


Yeah there are actually some really interesting dungeon gimmicks that come up toward the mid game. I don’t want to spoil anything for you though!
