From under a max Miller video about waffles??
All it takes is one random click on some vague “theory channel”, or the the same subject like in this case “musk”
My Google news feed has apparently decided I want to know more about that absolute fucking ghoul from Blackrock that has declared we’re not sacrificing enough of finite time on Eath to capitalism because I read one article about him and choked down the reflexive vomit, and has been giving me more and more articles about him all day.
This is how bubbles are created, I’m sure.
Not even that - if you don’t have thumbnail previewing disabled, I’m sure that anything you hover over, intentionally or unintentionally, or even just bump the mouse onto while getting up, will probably affect your recommendations.
Also, they may be trying to work ML shit into it and are just fucking it up in a subtly spectacular fashion.