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A Tumblr post by user homunculus-argument that reads:

Was talking with my therapist about how it’s possible to completely lose one’s own identity to people-pleasing - when you grow up being constantly preoccupied with concerns about what other people want, and the ideal outcome is always whatever makes everyone else happy, it’s possible to simply not learn to know yourself at all. If the only thing you’ve ever strived for in life is to make everyone else happy, you just never pause to think what you want, or what you would enjoy, independently from anyone else’s desires.

As an example of this, I recalled that for the longest time, I just didn’t listen to music when I was alone, because the thought never occurred to me. I didn’t have my own taste in music, I was fine with listening to whatever the people I was with wanted to listen to, but whose music would I be listening to if I wasn’t with anyone else? She thought this was a great observation, and gave me a homework assignment to find a song I like, just on my own and for myself, and show it to her next week.

So I guess my therapist is about to learn about the existence of mongolian folk metal.

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37 points

When you’re dissociative, your hack is loving everything everywhere all at once

19 points

That’s how my music tastes have been described in the past

Everywhere and everything

Though I can be picky when it comes to my country music tastes. For example Bro Country is not on the menu.

11 points

This is the way to be. There is so much good music out nowadays, and being a hater will just end up with you missing out on some really good stuff.

I can’t do any of the garbage modern country stuff, either, but I can listen to modern bluegrass. That genre is full of shredders.

I like to imagine I have ‘musical ADHD’, because I can really enjoy everything from classical music, to death metal, to hip hop, to jazz, to pop, etc. I find I get bored if I listen to just one genre for too long.

4 points

I think enjoy particular music without being an asshat about all other music.

I can name you a few of my favorite artists (digitalism, Savant, bossfight, Metric) but just because I like their music and electro in general doesn’t mean I physically can’t listen to other genres.

5 points

The only music I can clearly say I don’t like is the 20 songs they play on the radio. They really love to grind those songs into dust.

4 points

Yeah, overplay sucks. It’s especially annoying when you actually start out liking the song. All it takes is a week of it being overplayed on the radio to run any joy you once experienced into the ground.

8 points

That’s how my brain used to work.

Now I have two methods depending on how much I care.

Either I need all available options and have them listed out like a spreadsheet, then I’ll painstakingly determine which ones I like based on critera and using my feelings like a vague sensor.

Or if I don’t have time for that I’ll use an algorithm of some kind, like Spotify’s Smart Shuffle, then I’ll determine what I like based on this new “optimized” list.

Because I can’t just like a random disconnected thing, no no no, I need to make sure it’s something I will definitely like and maybe incorporate into my identity.
