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2 points

Technically, you’re still cis regardless of being pan now as cis describes the gender part of your sexuality rather than the attraction part.

As for only hearing it as an insult, maybe you’ve been around people who confused cisgender and heterosexual like you seemed to do?

Or maybe you’ve seen a lot of trans and nonbinary people who have had bad experiences with cis people and thus only mentioned the term either while defending themselves against bigotry or recounting bigotry?

My point with all of this is that, though your experiences may vary, that doesn’t necessarily change the wider use and meaning of a word.

In the specific case of “cis”, the ones advocating for it to be classified as a slur might not ALL be bigots acting in bad faith to remove a shorthand for them as a group that doesn’t inherently imply that they’re the only “normal” ones (see othering, Why Bullies Win, and “Victimized Bully Syndrome”), but that’s almost always the case.

Anyways, I hope this helps give a clearer picture of why calling cis as a slur is (usually) an act of bigotry rather than a defense against bigotry.

3 points

While I agree with the greater point you’re making, in context, you’re responding to someone who said “I’ve been referred to as cis as an insult” by saying “no you haven’t.” It shouldn’t take too long of a step back to realize that’s not a great thing to do.

1 point

you’re responding to someone who said “I’ve been referred to as cis as an insult” by saying “no you haven’t.”

No I’m not. I’m specifically acknowledging their experience and then pointing out that it’s not universal nor even the norm.

It “shouldn’t take too long of a step back” to realize that replying with a strawman is not a great thing to do.

1 point

You acknowledged them which was great, and then immediately turned around and started re-educating them. It was a valuable message to get out into the world, but a victim recounting their experiences is NOT the audience you should be trying to educate.

Just say “I’m sorry that happened to you, some people are scumbags, being cis is totally fine” and redouble your zeal to spread that message in a more appropriate setting.

Edit: To clarify, I’m not saying I doubt your intentions. What I am saying is that it wasn’t very tactful or self-aware.


pointing out that it’s not universal or even the norm

That’s called “denying someone else’s experience.” Again, it’s about the worst way you can possibly comfort someone who is talking about when they were hurt. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s common: it happened to them. Even if they were the only person in the world that had happened to, knowing that wouldn’t make them feel better.

3 points

I don’t have anything to say that the previous comment or stated. Thanks for the valid point but please don’t tell me “oh no you weren’t insulted”. I was and stating or implying I wasn’t is exactly as fucked up as someone doing it to a trans person.

2 points

please don’t tell me “oh no you weren’t insulted”. I was and stating or implying I wasn’t is exactly as fucked up as someone doing it to a trans person.

I didn’t, nor did I intend to. Sorry for apparently being unclear, though.

3 points

Apology accepted, it’s difficult to tell tonal context on the Internet.
