8 points

we’re just trying to address the way that cis women are disadvantaged in chess due to centuries of misogyny in the sport. We’re not anti trans, we just can’t have cis men pretending to be trans in order to further themselves in competition.

Okay, not a fan of how you’re going about it but I can understand your goals at least

We’ll be stripping titles from trans men who competed as women and then came out later

Ah, there it is. You never have to look too far into efforts to “protect women” to see where it’s really just about hurting trans people because you can.

5 points

Why is the chess assotioation such big abbies anyway? That’s just pretty f*cking stupid. Yu-Gi-Oh on the other hand, despite being a card game partially meant for kids, are way more mature than a sport considereded “proffesional”

9 points

Learning that about Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments just brought the biggest smile to my face! It should be an obvious no-brainer that if somebody’s going out of their way to be an asshole and antagonize people, they should no longer be allowed to participate!

If you can’t play nice, other people aren’t going to want to play with you. We learn that as little tiny babies! I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to grasp. But for some people, you bring gender into it, especially non-cis genders, and it’s like logic just goes out the window and is overridden by weird bigotry that helps no one.

8 points

Here’s a good link going over the ‘why’ being discussed: tl;dr sexism https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/16078055.2022.2051068

20 points

German chess association just boycotts this

For anyone willing to read the official position (you can translate it with firefox or others if you can’t read german): https://www.schachbund.de/news/erklaerung-des-dsb-zur-von-der-fide-erlassenen-regelung-zur-registrierung-von-transgender-schachspieler-innen.html
