Have any queer vibes to share? Here’s your place!

Talk about what’s happening queerly in your life - like coming out, getting HRT, questioning, and all that good stuff.

hii hope everyone’s having a good week

15 points

Things ended out getting worse at home, I’m going to be kicked out sometime in the next few months. I’m having some trouble finding housing and a job for when that happens though since it’s mid-school year and not a lot’s available, especially for my budget.

But I have my HRT and it’s made me feel a lot better. 2mg E and 50 mg Spiro. I’m taking the E sublingually but I feel like I keep messing it up when I do? I salivate too much and have to swallow but I feel like swallowing will somehow fuck me over in the long run so I end out with this uncomfortable middle ground of way too much saliva in my mouth before I swallow it anyways. Is there any particular way to fix this or is it just completely normal?

Overall for the effects I’ve mostly just noticed my head feeling clearer, as well as the libido plummeting already. Both are nice though.

Oh and my E is purple. That was genuinely really exciting for me for some reason.

10 points

I’m not sure I’ve had that issue with sublingual E but I know people who just don’t take it sublingually and just swallow the tablets and they are fine on E so I think your method with swallowing down the saliva is fine. I wish you the best of luck with finding housing and a job <3

Are there any friends who you might be able to crash with if things come to the worst? That might be what you have to do

9 points

Yeah I have friends that I’ve been discussing this with who I’d be able to stay with we just aren’t sure how long-term of a solution that would be. So I’m treating it as a temporary stop gap in case I get kicked out before whatever apartment I find accepts me in.

8 points


15 points

Estrogens all have a very strong first pass metabolism when taken orally. The liver breaks down most of the stuff, which not only reduces efficiency and is a strain on the liver, but also increases risk of blood clots (most of the panic about HRT risks comes from this). This is why sublingual is a good deal safer and more efficient and why other routes like transdermal or injections are generally preferrable, but oral is ok if you regularly get bloodwork done and don’t have other blood clot risks (age, smoking, weight etc.)

10 points

This comment fact checked TRUE ☑️

10 points

God learning to start makeup is intimidating, I know I’m going to look like shit and feel dysphoric the first couple of times I end up doing it which dissuades me from even wanting to start. Same issue with voice training, hearing my shitty voice is going to make things so much worse. Getting started is the hardest part though and I need to just power through it.


with voice training especially it’s so easy to put off because of how dysphoria inducing it is, but it’s always better to start sooner than later. it’s quite stressful being in a place where voice is the thing that outs you if you don’t want it to

fwiw i did voice practice 30 min to an hour a day and after a few months had the voice I needed. places like r/transvoice helped a lot


Yeah, starting sooner is better. I really should have started like a year ago when I started HRT but that ship has sailed. I’ll check out /r/transvoice though, thank you.


Mood. Someone I know is going to do makeup on me tomorrow! And then teach me some things too :) Maybe you can find someone to help you with it?

7 points

Cis women get to go through their bad makeup phase when they’re like 12. We gotta do it older.

When I started learning makeup, I’d do it literally every morning. When I started it took me 30 minutes and crying in the mirror, wiping it off and doing it again. But eventually like after a few months I could do it in under 10. Now I can put on liquid eyeliner in the car in 5 minutes no problemo, no Wipes needed. It just takes time.

Also I swear it gets fun eventually. Makeup actually is fun. The first hurdles suck but you can get through it, you’ve done harder shit

5 points

Makeup felt like fucking rocket science at first, but it’s actually not hard to get good results if you practice a little. It’s just the outstanding and jawdropping stuff that requires lots of skill and time in the bathroom. A bit of color correction and foundation to make my skin look smoother (and hide the remainder of my facial hair) and some eyeshadow and mascara to bring out my eyes is all i do most of the time and it’s easy, quick and works wonders. Could i do even more if i practiced super hard, spent a ton of money on cosmetics and would be in the bathroom for an extra hour each day? Hell yes, but i don’t have the nerve for that lol.

14 points

I wish I knew more trans people irl. I’ve tried hanging out with a couple of the people from my school’s queer club and while they’re nice, we really really have nothing in common beyond being queer and it make talking kind of difficult. Maybe I should just keep trying though, there’s more people there than just the three that I’ve met.

15 points

I finally feel very certain that I want an orchiectomy. I’ve always been very wary of surgery, but even thinking about my testosterone levels being wrong causes me too much anxiety and I’ve talked with a few friends who had it done, which eased my fears.

Now I have to navigate how to actually get it done. I have good insurance, but haven’t even set up my primary care yet.

Also painted my nails pink and I really like it. I came out 14 years ago but never painted my nails. Turns out I like it and should do it more.


I’ve been struggling with whether to get an orchi. I hate having the damn things and used to think that I’d probably be okay with having the other thing, but recently I began tucking on occasion and I feel so much more confident and just generally more at peace with my body when I have a good tuck going. So now I’m worried I might be unsatisfied in the long run so I’m questioning whether I want an orchi or vaginoplasty :/


So now I’m worried I might be unsatisfied in the long run so I’m questioning whether I want an orchi or vaginoplasty

Wait, is that like an either or thing? Does getting an orchi interfere with vaginoplasty?

6 points

I’ve heard that scrotal tissue shrinking can be an issue re: having enough material to work with, but I haven’t actually researched this stuff since the 2000s so techniques may have improved.

9 points

Yeah I feel that. If I met a vagina fairy I’d get that shit done in an instant, but surgery is scary. An orchi is very much a compromise for me, and knowing how quick and smoothly my friends recovered helps a lot.




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