Is that toki pona? I have no idea what your saying but i love it.
Rough translation:
Panel 1
Person 1: go to them.
Person 2: my moving house is number 1.
Panel 2
Person 1: what
To further explain, the joke is that “tomo tawa” could mean either “car” or “moving house”
toki pona mentioned wtf is a number system
ona li tomo tawa, a!
a a a, ni li musi!
i hate that language
why? i can see why someone would hate a language like esperanto, or perhaps japanese even, but what’s so wrong about toki pona that makes it so that you actively hate it, as opposed to simply not liking it?
i hate its history i hate the people ive met that speak it i hate the way it sounds i hate the ideas its based on i hate the way the languags is built the Sapir-whorf hypothesis is stupid and Sonja Lang is like an annoying aunt that talks about some wish wash taoist principals that saved her relationship with her abusive husband