How is it that a company that gets off on being crass and inappropriate is one of the most powerful and competent upstanding arbiters of fairness and equality of any company I’ve ever seen?
It’s beautiful and I’m here for it.
stephanie mcmahon of the (human trafficking rape factory known as the) WWE infamously went on record to say (paraphrasing): Philanthropy is the future of marketing
This is no different than all the awesome shit that Bill Gates did as part of his foundations. Or (scumbag and pedophile protector) Mr Beast’s various donations and charity events.
CAH have done a decent amount of good. They also fueled an entire generation of white men to giggle and say the n-word. One of their former execs (?) also did some REALLY heinous shit. But please be incredibly wary of putting them on a pedestal just because they are currently doing a publicity event to sue a racist shithead.
One of their former execs (?) also did some REALLY heinous shit.
Culture starts at the top. There’s likely more details out there that I haven’t kept up on.
But I’m sure they’ve “fixed it,” just like ActiBlizz did. And WWE. And so on. But yeah, after years of buying every expansion pack, this left a bad taste in our mouths. It’s still a fun game, but it’s hard to ignore the behind the scenes stuff.
P.S. We will also accept as compensation.
This needs to say and all associated assets.
I can completely see musk giving them the domain keys to and then wiping his hands
From the lawsuit itself:
CAH is the sole member of Hole Holding LLC
They actually created a subsidiary for their giant holes/useless land
Just got this email notification and was about to post it myself!
I was expecting it to be a clickbaity joke, but nope it’s just another case of big companies doing asshole big company stuff because it’s cheaper than doing the right thing. And, surprise surprise, facilitated by at least one local politician who profited off the assholery.
He probably did it just to be an asshole. I hope they win way more than 15 million dollars.
Elon Musk is our worst immigrant by far, we need to focus on getting rid of that particular one first. He’s taking away thousands of jobs from Americans by himself.