"If detonated, they would not damage the reactors but would create an image of shelling from the Ukrainian side,” the statement on Telegram said. It said the Ukrainian army stood “ready to act under any circumstances”.
In his nightly video message, Zelenskiy said Russia was planning to “simulate an attack” on the plant. “But in any case, the world sees – and cannot fail to see – that the only source of danger to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is Russia. And no one else.”
Zelenskiy and the Ukrainian military provided no evidence for their assertions"
"If detonated, they would not damage the reactors but would create an image of shelling from the Ukrainian side,” the statement on Telegram said.
Not gonna lie, that’s pretty smart. Now if Ukraine decides to start shelling the plant, they can just pretend that it’s actually Russia that detonated some charges.
I think that’s a pattern we’ll start seeing more and more.
EDIT: i removed this comment previously because lemmy hiccuped and registered the one about bridge selling twice.
And despite it being empty, it still recieved 23 downvotes.
This is how factual discussion with liberals is.
Zelenskiy and the Ukrainian military provided no evidence for their assertions
Judging from the comments, he could probably finance that entire war just by selling bridges to liberals -_-
What the fuck is this comment section?!
How is the Russian propaganda attempting to frame that? “Ukrainians are Nazis and so we took over their nuclear power plant because we (though we) could. Now they want to destroy it, incurring an immense ecological impact to mostly themselves, because if they can’t have it, better be dead too”?
Don’t underestimate Russias stupidity and sheer incompetence, they probably think the brainwashed masses in russia will believe them. We need a hard line to stop it, but, if russia wants their face kicked in by NATO for real, who am I to deny them. I hope for a crater where the Kremlin stands.
Your guess is as good as mine. But if you have watched Russ TV, they aren’t afraid of saying the most ridiculous things.
Though according to the article: Renat Karchaa, an adviser to the head of Rosenergoatom, which operates Russia’s nuclear network, said Ukraine planned to drop ammunition laced with nuclear waste transported from another of the country’s five nuclear stations on the plant.
“Under cover of darkness overnight on 5 July the Ukrainian military will try to attack the Zaporizhzhia station using long-range precision equipment and kamikaze attack drones,” Russian news agencies quoted Karchaa as telling Russian television. He offered no evidence in support of the allegation."
How is the Russian propaganda attempting to frame a completely baseless claim without any evidence and that make no sense, is that seriously the question you’re asking here?
The Russians are not making it easy for themselves, aren’t they?
Ah yeah, that totally looks like a reliable site that somebody without any brain damage would use as a source.
These comments… I wasn’t expecting Lemmy to be russian bots just chatting with each other.
I’m guilty of this as well, but perhaps it’s time to acknowledge that people can have differing opinions and be vocal about them without being bots or trolls.
I’m sorry for having behaved rude just because some people have a different take on this war. I mean, unless they’re as obvious as the government sponsored bullshit on Twitter where 3 accounts write the same crap in the same thread. 🌚
I’m also in no way a Putin fan.