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I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.

Stephen Jay Gould


I’m probably just speaking for myself, but this particular dynamic actually makes me feel better about supporting Biden. I think Joe Biden himself is a contemptible dumbass whose policy imagination is stuck in a past that never even actually existed, but I think he’s had to surround himself with a lot of staffers in their 20s 30s and 40s who aren’t so terminally dense on things like Israel and student loans and reproductive healthcare and labor unions, and they can actually make him evolve and be a little bit less of a boomer than he otherwise would be. Hopefully they’re able to keep the pressure up.


these are vicious animals

Ah yes, the subtle but ever present dehumanization of opponents and implicit calls to violence (you don’t deal with a “vicious animal” by just handing it some paperwork, right?), that’s what makes this guy one of the biggest pieces of shit of all time, he is just always working at it and always finding ways to be a disrespectful piece of trash every time he opens his mouth

Can not wait to see him get a fraction of what he deserves


This is what we’re doing

Young people have not been as enthusiastic supporters of the Biden administration [even] before President Biden was elected. So what’s different about Gen Z generation in particular, who’s known to be politically active, also very diverse and caring about a variety of social issues, is that when they’re disappointed in what the government is doing or what the leaders are showing them, they’re willing to take the issue in their own hand and try to intervene, try to get involved sometimes by speaking up by their vote.

But by and large, they have voted more than other generations have as youth, regardless of how disappointed they say they are in the government. So if the past couple of elections’ trends hold, young people have been disappointed in the government and their elected leaders, but they voted.

[Bolding added]


There’s a good argument to be made he was the most evil president we ever had. Between

  • prolonging the Vietnam war by five years through sabotaging the negotiations while he was still just running for president
  • perfecting southern strategy campaigning and organizing all the neo-Confederates we’re still dealing with as a new bloc of Republicans
  • founding the DEA and kicking off the war on drugs to jail and destabilize anti-war protesters and the black panthers,
  • all of the cheating he did during the 1972 campaign, which the Watergate break-in was only a part of
  • Cheering on the genocide of Bengalis by Pakistani generals because “muh Cold War allies!”

the roots of a ton of our modern problems go back to this paranoid alcoholic racist piece of shit

e; had to add in the Bengali genocide


Welcome to the American corrections system, abuses like this and worse happen every day and we just don’t normally hear about them because the defendants aren’t famous like this one is

“For example, in 2019, guards force fed a Hindu man in ICE detention who went on hunger strike to protest the failure to provide vegan meals to him and other Hindus in detention.”


It’s just a Trojan horse for financially gutting public universities when we need to be getting rid of student loans altogether by using taxpayer money to support people’s education

Great question tho, one people should always be asking about Republican bills


Wowza, they actually went through that whole article without mentioning that the university ordered an NYPD raid on student protesters last week and issued suspensions against a bunch of them.

But, no, that couldn’t have anything to do with these increased tensions, it’s definitely 100% because this is the first day of Passover /s


A spokesperson for SpartanNash, the parent company of Family Fare, said store employees responded “with the utmost compassion and professionalism.”

“Ensuring there is ample safe, affordable housing continues to be a widespread issue nationwide that our community needs to partner in solving,” Adrienne Chance said, declining further comment.

Warren said the woman was cooperative and quickly agreed to leave. No charges were pursued.

“We provided her with some information about services in the area,” the officer said. “She apologized and continued on her way. Where she went from there, I don’t know.”

I feel like there’s very few opportunities these days to say this, but the cops and business owners in this situation actually seem to have behaved in a very humane and decent way here, so that’s a nice surprise
