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Capture and kill…

The only thing better than owning the competition, is putting them out of business.

So they buy studios that compete, fire all the workers, keep the IPs, and call it a day.

If we enforced anti-monoply laws this wouldn’t be a thing. But monopolies dontate a lot of money to politicians so they say monopolies aren’t a big deal.


They’ll fix everyone at the ER.

But you get a ridiculous bill, then likely “settle” for a much lower amount of if you’re truly pennyless, you just never pay it and eventually the hospital gives up and uses it as a tax write off.

It’s a shit system


The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements.

I mean, he’s right…


Same as when they think they’re doing on fentanyl…

After hearing the sound of the acorn, the deputy reported that he also felt a “tingliness” all along the side of his body. He then said his “legs just give out” and he fell to the ground, assuming that he had been seriously injured by something.

Because of this, the video also showed Hernandez complaining about feeling “weird” and shouting to his colleague that he’s been hit. It’s all very dramatic.

Cops are constantly terrified because of their training, so they panic and mistake a panic attack for something else.

Being a cop sucks so much (because of their own leadership and culture) that good qualified people do t want to be a cop. So we end up with these fragile snowflakes that shouldn’t be allowed to carry at all. Let alone be a cop


Stop saying this is inflation.

It’s the result of a handful of corporations owning the majority of food products.

And then realizing people need food regardless of cost, and if they all raise prices at the same time there’s very few other options.

It’s price gouging, plain and simple.

Quick edit:

The graphic is from Faux News…

Obviously it’s going to misrepresent this


They keep saying it’s impossible, when the truth is it’s just expensive.

That’s why they wont do it.

You could only train AI with good sources (scientific literature, not social media) and then pay experts to talk with the AI for long periods of time, giving feedback directly to the AI.

Essentially, if you want a smart AI you need to send it to college, not drop it off at the mall unsupervised for 22 years and hope for the best when you pick it back up.


Music too fast? Straight to jail.

Music too slow? Believe it or not, straight to jail.


It’s more fucked up than just that.

The school (for some reason) gave UK Tabloid The Daily Mail an interview.

They said the father cheated on the mother and forced the daughter to move in with the mistress, that the victim was a drug dealer and was beaten for selling laced marijuana to her attackers, so the victim killed herself because of her unstable home life and drug addiction, not the beating the school ignored.

So they’re not just being sued for not doing anything after the beating, they’re being sued for slander as well.


Since OPs link doesn’t go into all that, here’s the article I read the other day so you don’t have to take my word on it


I also forgot the school brought up the victims mom died of suicide as well… Implying it would have happened anyways.

“The mom killed herself two years ago. The girls that assaulted her were friends with her but thought she had laced the marijuana they had smoked together. The father is very upset and lost his only child so sometimes you just have to eat the s— sandwich,” an email from Parlapanides stated, according to the lawsuit.


Headline is kind of funny, but I wanted to know what he shot at

In body cam footage shared across social media, the officer was seen jumping to the ground and shouted “shots fired” after the acorn strikes the roof of his car. He then turned and emptied every bullet from his gun, each aimed squarely at his squad car.

Funny again…

While Hernandez fired on the car, Marquis Jackson, who was accused of stealing his girlfriend’s car, was in the back of the police cruiser. Officers had searched, handcuffed and loaded the accused into the back of the police car and, despite being cuffed, it was Jackson that the officer thought was shooting at him.

Nope, he was trying to kill someone handcuffed in the back of his squad car and had already been searched for weapons.

Cop should at least be facing reckless endangerment, if not attempted murder.


The statement:

The Supreme Court has become consumed by a corruption crisis beyond its control.

Today’s ruling represents an assault on American democracy. It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture.

I intend on filing articles of impeachment upon our return.

This is what leadership is, what voters want, and what wins elections.

Doesn’t matter if it works, it’s trying and highlighting that issues can be fixed. We might not succeed the first time, but we’ll keep fucking trying till we do.

Put the votes on record and show voters where people stand.
