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Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at !taylorswift@poptalk.scrubbles.tech )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

Direct message

I’m definitely too old, but as a Millennial I love Gen Z. They got their funny internet things, their doom memes, their music, and I say go for it. They’re picking up and running with the rights for all, they’re more open than we even are, and it’s just awesome to see. People love to make fun of the younger generation but are so quick to forget what we were actually like back then.


“Sorry, your device appears to be running Linux, please only use approved Apple or Windows devices to log in, with our required surveillance system pro installed. Thanks.”


Half of those meetings are business MBAs asking “Why isn’t more getting done on this project?”


Love it. People look at me like I’m crazy for trying to go greener, and I see this stuff online all the time.

“Haha EVs are so dangerous! Look at the fire hazard” like you aren’t literally parking a tank of explosive gas in your house every night

“It doesn’t have nearly the range of gas” They say while driving a massive truck that needs filling every week, meanwhile my charger at home is needed once a week and costs 1/6th a tank of gas

“Solar doesn’t even cover the entire electric bill” Sure, it only halves it…

So much simping for big oil companies. Always reminds me of this from the Simpsons


Reddit has been going through some issues for many on Monday, with the outage happening the same day as thousands of subreddits going dark to protest the site’s new API pricing terms.

According to Reddit, the blackout is responsible for the problems. “A significant number of subreddits shifting to private caused some expected stability issues, and we’ve been working on resolving the anticipated issue,” spokesperson Tim Rathschmidt tells The Verge.


God, remember when links to pictures of monkeys were selling for millions and rubes ate it up?


and god help you if you ever use any of them, obviously you have time to play games you don’t have enough work to do. It’s all for show.

I remember a Meta recruiter reached out to me. We had a couple of talks, and then on one of them I asked “So how’s the work life balance”

Oh it’s great! We have a 24/7 cafeteria here, so if you ever need a snack it’s always available. We have sleeping pods, so you can easily sleep, and even 24/7 laundry services, so it’s all around a very relaxing place.

Uhhh yeah man. I’m not some kid fresh out of college. I own a home, and I’m very aware of my work time vs my personal time. Hard pass all around. Kids, if the company sounds too good to be true, there’s an ulterior motive. Those things sound super great… but they’re of course all meant to keep you working around the clock, meeting deadlines. The companies aren’t “hip” or “cool”, it’s all to attract you, and then work you to the bone. A strict 40 hour work week is better than foosball anyday.

I know I’m preaching to the choir but for the people interviewing for their first software gig - well maybe one of them will read this.


I saw this earlier and I’m glad it was removed almost immediately.

Working retail/service in the US is a joke because people have become so entitled that they don’t even think of service workers as humans anymore. When I used to work retail at a certain big blue box electronics store I was screamed at, yelled at, belittled, called names, and in a couple very extreme cases had items thrown at me and one person took a swing at me.

This is just another example of that. People here in the US are so detached from reality and laser focused on their routine that they literally cannot comprehend that workers may want to spend a holiday with their family too. Or worse than that, they think workers don’t deserve to be at home with their families on a holiday, because they deserve service more than you deserve to see your family. God forbid they microwave a meal that one day.

It’s pure entitlement and it’s disgusting. Surprisingly I found that the lower income/societal class the person is the more entitled they would act towards me as a service worker.


The fun thing with AI that companies are starting to realize is that there’s no way to “program” AI, and I just love that. The only way to guide it is by retraining models (and LLMs will just always have stuff you don’t like in them), or using more AI to say “Was that response okay?” which is imperfect.

And I am just loving the fallout.


This one dude has made this app for years and constantly updates it, fixes things, is responsive, and makes a great app. He’s now been more loyal to his users longer than Reddit has, and I personally have used his app daily for 13 years.

Yeah, I’ll happily pay for it.

FOSS is great but it doesn’t pay the rent people, this guy is doing this mostly as his main gig. This isn’t some huge corpo, it’s one guy who makes his living building the app he loves. I’m sure he’d love to make it FOSS if he didn’t have to pay bills on anything.
