Some friends I just can’t shake

hard enough

around the neck

with a firm grip

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5 points

I think you fail to account for the people that just don’t care or are too (morally or otherwise) corrupt to care. You will not get a CxU voter to vote for anything else than their christian conservative values where anything against the status quo is bad.

A simple fact is that actions to minimize climate change will never be popular because it will affect most people in significant ways and it will hurt. We still need to do this, though. Conservatives are so hyperfocused on not changing anything and making other people’s lives miserable that they cannot see what is coming to all of us not in the far future but potentially really soon.

There is no time to appease the conservatives and do things more their way to be more popular, because as the Americans say “if you give an inch they take a mile”. Nothing will happen and that is something we all can’t afford.

What it ultimately comes down to is corporate interest. Conservative parties will do nothing until it is in the interest of the corporations that fund them and their corrupt politicians. As you can see with the 49€ ticket, the railway maintenance or basically anything in control of FDP, CxU or SPD

6 points

You will not get a CxU voter to vote for anything else than their christian conservative values where anything against the status quo is bad.

Aside from LNG terminals, do you see anything wrong with this? And now don’t tell me “That’s SH you people are superior in any way so of course your CDU is sane”, in BW the Greens are conservative and could, long-term, displace the CDU. Environmentalism is not exactly incompatible with Christian conservatism.

Then there’s the difference in creed – SH is very predominantly Lutheran, BW Catholic. Miles and miles of differences in official doctrine. That doesn’t suddenly make the EKD progressive – it simply isn’t reactionary. At least hasn’t been since 68, thereabouts.

Speaking about SH and the 49 Euro ticket: State employees get a rebate, welfare recipients don’t. That’s also CDU. It’s not even “fuck the poor” but “also in poverty, one should be humble” (which yes sounds the same if you’re not a Christian). But I really rather fight with proper conservatives about such stuff than with reactionaries about the right to exist of trans folks or something.

…maybe this just is about us actually having at least a semblance of proper conservatives over here and progressives elsewhere can’t fathom non-insane conservatives existing.

There is no time to appease the conservatives

I did not, in a single sentence, mention or imply appeasement. I said that progressives should start to care about preserving what’s already good while implementing, and advocating, change. Even better: Frame your change specifically as preserving something good. Occasionally it will require re-thinking the way you want to implement things (generally for the better), very often it’s just a matter of framing and messaging.

When the likes of Maaßen want to destroy civil liberties that’s not conserving the status quo, and it’s also not preserving something good. It’s not conservative in any sensible meaning of the word at all.

5 points

Aside from LNG terminals, do you see anything wrong with this?

What I see is a bunch of promises that will never happen. 16 years of CDU rule before the current government has shown exactly that. Claiming to do and actually doing it is a huge difference.

in BW the Greens are conservative and could, long-term, displace the CDU

That is just delusional. Every single conservative party is blaming all the problems and failings of the current government on the greens. There is no way that they will ever overtake CDU as the conservative party. All that is not even accounting that most of the greens and their voters do not want to be more conservative.

Then there’s the difference in creed – SH is very predominantly Lutheran, BW Catholic. Miles and miles of differences in official doctrine.

Okay, and? Shouldn’t politics and religion be as far apart as can be? Religion is notoriously slow in change and noone has the time to wait for religious conservatives to arrive in 2024.

But I really rather fight with proper conservatives about such stuff than with reactionaries about the right to exist of trans folks or something.

So human rights are not a good enough reason to fight conservatives?! I myself am not trans or queer in any way but something doesn’t have to affect me personally to see how harmfull it is. It is quite telling that this is again just a question of money. You would rather fight for money than for your fellow human.

…maybe this just is about us actually having at least a semblance of proper conservatives over here and progressives elsewhere can’t fathom non-insane conservatives existing.

SH is not the pinnacle of Germany and it also has its problems and if it is oh so great, why do they not lead by example?

I said that progressives should start to care about preserving what’s already good while implementing, and advocating, change.

If conservatives anywhere would be like "Hey we see the problem. Let’s fix this in a reasonable way " they wouldn’t be conservatives. It is that easy. The notion that progressives will just change stuff for the fun of changing things is frankly ridiculous. Times are changing and we have to change too to survive. This has been a law of nature for as long as life has existed.

When the likes of Maaßen want to destroy civil liberties that’s not conserving the status quo, and it’s also not preserving something good. It’s not conservative in any sensible meaning of the word at all.

You are right, this isn’t preserving something good. It is “returning to the good days” that christian conservatives want, because they don’t like the world changing. Returning to the time they think was the best is apparently better than just accepting change and adapting.

This is not even a problem of only the Christian conservatives but all of them. Lindner and the FDP want to basically make billionaires rule the world while everyone else slaves their lifes away for them.

2 points

What I see is a bunch of promises that will never happen. 16 years of CDU rule before the current government has shown exactly that.

? CDU is in power in SH since 2017, re-elected 2022 taking over from the SPD, before that 2005-2012 CDU, before that 1988-2005 SPD.

And we have a fuckton of wind mills: We’re already producing quite a bit more than 100% of what we need and are continuing to expand. It’s not a partisan issue.

All that is not even accounting that most of the greens and their voters do not want to be more conservative.

The greens, and their voters, already are conservative in BW. Note that I said BW, not SH, not the federal level.

Shouldn’t politics and religion be as far apart as can be?

Should and are are two different things. The question you should ask is: Is it easier to turn people away from the Church or to reform the Church, and as even the Catholics are right now reforming I think you should rather applaud them, and strengthen and support Catholics in that change, than saying, warning hyperbole, “Nooo come to me to Satan’s side with lots of gay sex”. That would only cause reactionary stroppiness.

So human rights are not a good enough reason to fight conservatives?!

I don’t have to fight the SH CDU on those issues because they’re not trying genocide trans people. They’d get into all kinds of trouble with the Lutheran church if they did that kind of messaging because the Lutheran church is very keen on that whole love your neighbour thing: They don’t want hate campaigns to poison people’s souls. And I see nothing, absolutely nothing, wrong with that.

SH is not the pinnacle of Germany and it also has its problems and if it is oh so great, why do they not lead by example?

We are, and we are. This is not up to discussion. Just a bit further south in the Bavarian town of Hamburg, then-mayor Scholz defended torturing people with emetics. Wouldn’t happen here.

If conservatives anywhere would be like "Hey we see the problem. Let’s fix this in a reasonable way " they wouldn’t be conservatives.

If you define conservatives to not include conservatives, sure. Bismarck introduced universal healthcare to conserve public peace (less charitably, to stop people switching sides to the SPD).

The notion that progressives will just change stuff for the fun of changing things is frankly ridiculous.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Often there’s just a pet project and people want to see it implemented, blind to alternatives. Like recently with the heat pump saga: Lots of (affluent) green voters and party members thinking “yes we’re happy with our new heat pump let’s make sure everyone has them”, ignoring that the better solution, both in climate and social terms, is to invest heavily in district heating. Which then can use heat pumps of course. Antagonising gazillions of very much not affluent home owners for no reason whatsoever due to to the Greens being (practically speaking) unwilling to conserve the little socio-economic status that those home owners have.
