Is he telling us he considers himself low T? Because it looks like he’s believing something he saw on 4chan.
He’s so dense he doesn’t realize he’s the low T person being described, not the alpha male.
“High T alpha males” oh good, they invented a new gender again and it sucks.
I’m a high T male, which is why I started balding at 20 and my balls are the size of grapes
Balding is not related to testosterone, but rather Dihydrogentestosterone (commonly referred to as DHT). Although high testosterone levels often mean high DHT levels as well, it is possible to have high DHT whilst still having low testosterone levels.
The amount of androgen receptors in your scalp is also relevant, some people are just unlucky and have lots of androgen receptors in that area and start balding at a young age despite average DHT levels
like, super alpha this time. S rank Alpha, but with a T. Best alpha this time, we promise.
All the “high T alpha males” I’ve ever met are also the least critical thinkers I’ve ever met.
>be me >high T alpha male born to breed and lead >go to doc to confirm I am the most alpha of all >doc says your T levels are through the roof >fuck yeah it is I am a total chad >doc is like nah bruh you got the big C >mfw I only have 6 weeks to live
“Pele who can’t defend themselves physically”
Like Elon, who pulled out of a fight he tried to start with Zuck because he’d get his ass kicked?
He’s posting 4chan screenshots now?